Seminario su "How governments and central banks face crises: from the Great War to the Pandemic Crisis" del prof. Francesco Menoncin
Public Engagement Seminario su "How governments and central banks face crises: from the Great War to the Pandemic Crisis". Abstract. At the end of the Great War, the world must find a new (economic) equilibrium. At the Paris conference John Maynard Keynes puts forward some very innovative proposals, but the winning countries do not accept to apply them. This decision, led by the US, will prove wrong and harmful. In fact, at the end of the Second World War, the US government adopts a completely different political strategy and grants important economic aid to European countries.
The new world order ends in 1992, a year that sees an international economic crisis, the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the Euro. In 2001, Western economies coped quite well with the crisis following the bursting of the dot-com bubble. However, in 2008, the great international financial crisis undermines the European dream that began in 1992. The European Monetary Union faces the crisis without loosening the budget c
Sede dell’iniziativa:
Scuola di Management ed Economia, Aula Corradetti
Periodo di svolgimento dell’iniziativa:
(marzo 30, 2022 - )