The spin-dependent structure function of the proton g(1)(p) and a test of the Bjorken sum rule
Data di Pubblicazione:
The inclusive double-spin asymmetry. A(1)(p), has been measured at COMPASS in deep-inelastic polarised muon scattering off a large polarised NH3 target. The data, collected in the year 2007, cover the range Q(2) > 1 (GeV/c)(2), 0.004 < x < 0.7 and improve the statistical precision of g(1)(p)(x) by a factor of two in the region x < 0.02. The new proton asymmetries are combined with those previously published for the deuteron to extract the non-singlet spin-dependent structure function g(1)(NS)(x. Q(2)). The isovector quark density, Delta q(3)(x, Q(2)), is evaluated from a NLO QCD fit of g(1)(NS). The first moment of Delta q(3) is in good agreement with the value predicted by the Bjorken sum rule and corresponds to a ratio of the axial and vector coupling constants vertical bar g(A)/g(V)vertical bar = 1.28 +/- 0.07 (stat.) +/- 0.10 (syst.). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
M. G. Alekseev;V. Y. Alexakhin;Y. Alexandrov;G. D. Alexeev;A. Amoroso;A. Austregesilo;B. Badelek;F. Balestra;J. Ball;J. Barth;G. Baum;Y. Bedfer;J. Bernhard;R. Bertini;M. Bettinelli;R. Birsa;J. Bisplinghoff;P. Bordalo;F. Bradamante;A. Bravar;A. Bressan;G. Brona;E. Burtin;M. P. Bussa;D. Chaberny;D. Cotic;M. Chiosso;S. U. Chung;A. Cicuttin;M. Colantoni;M. L. Crespo;S. D. Torre;S. Das;S. S. Dasgupta;O. Y. Denisov;L. Dhara;V. Diaz;S. V. Donskov;N. Doshita;V. Duic;W. Dunnweber;A. Efremov;A. E. Alaoui;P. D. Eversheim;W. Eyrich;M. Faessler;A. Ferrero;A. Filin;M. Finger;M. Finger;H. Fischer;C. Franco;J. M. Friedrich;R. Garfagnini;F. Gautheron;O. P. Gavrichtchouk;R. Gazda;S. Gerassimov;R. Geyer;M. Giorgi;I. Gnesi;B. Gobbo;S. Goertz;S. Grabmuller;A. Grasso;B. Grube;R. Gushterski;A. Guskov;F. Haas;D. v. Harrach;T. Hasegawa;F. H. Heinsius;R. Hermann;F. Herrmann;C. Hess;F. Hinterberger;N. Horikawa;C. Hoppner;N. d'Hose;C. Ilgner;S. Ishimoto;O. Ivanov;Y. Ivanshin;T. Iwata;R. Jahn;P. Jasinski;G. Jegou;R. Joosten;E. Kabuss;W. Kafer;D. Kang;B. Ketzer;G. V. Khaustov;Y. A. Khokhlov;Y. Kisselev;F. Klein;K. Klimaszewski;S. Koblitz;J. H. Koivuniemi;V. N. Kolosovu;K. Kondo;K. Konigsmann;R. Konopka;I. Konorov;V. F. Konstantinov;A. Korzenev;A. M. Kotzinian;O. Kouznetsov;K. Kowalik;M. Kramer;A. Kral;Z. V. Kroumchtein;R. Kuhn;F. Kunne;K. Kurek;L. Lauser;J. M. Le Goff;A. A. Lednev;A. Lehmann;S. Levorato;J. Lichtenstadt;T. Liska;A. Maggiora;M. Maggiora;A. Magnon;G. K. Mallot;A. Mann;C. Marchand;J. Marroncle;A. Martin;J. Marzec;F. Massmann;T. Matsuda;W. Meyer;T. Michigami;Y. V. Mikhailov;M. A. Moinester;A. Mutter;A. Nagaytsev;T. Nagel;J. Nassalski;T. Negrini;F. Nerling;S. Neubert;D. Neyret;V. I. Nikolaenko;A. S. Nunes;A. G. Olshevsky;M. Ostrick;A. Padee;R. Panknin;D. Panzieri;B. Parsamyan;S. Paul;B. Pawlukiewicz-Kaminska;E. Perevalova;G. Pesaro;D. V. Peshekhonov;G. Piragino;S. Platchkov;J. Pochodzalla;J. Polak;V. A. Polyakov;G. Pontecorvo;J. Pretz;C. Quintans;J. F. Rajotte;S. Ramos;V. Rapatsky;G. Reicherz;A. Richter;F. Robinet;E. Rocco;E. Rondio;D. I. Ryabchikov;V. D. Samoylenko;A. Sandacz;H. Santos;M. G. Sapozhnikov;S. Sarkar;I. A. Savin;G. Sbrizzai;P. Schiavon;C. Schill;T. Schluter;L. Schmitt;S. Schopferer;W. Schroder;O. Y. Shevchenko;H. W. Siebert;L. Silva;L. Sinha;A. N. Sissakian;M. Slunecka;G. I. Smirnov;S. Sosio;F. Sozzi;A. Srnka;M. Stolarski;M. Sulc;R. Sulej;S. Takekawa;S. Tessaro;F. Tessarotto;A. Teufel;L. G. Tkatchev;S. Uhl;I. Uman;M. Virius;N. V. Vlassov;A. Vossen;Q. Weitzel;R. Windmolders;W. Wislicki;H. Wollny;K. Zaremba;M. Zavertyaev;E. Zemlyanichkina;M. Ziembicki;J. Zhao;N. Zhuravlev;A. Zvyagin;C. Collaboration
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