Data di Pubblicazione:
The stochastic modelling of biological systems is informative and often very adequate, but it may easily be more expensive than other modelling approaches, such as differential equations. We present StochKit-FF, a parallel version of StochKit, a reference toolkit for stochastic simulations. StochKit-FF is based on the FastFlow programming toolkit for multicores and on the novel concept of selective memory. We experiment StochKit-FF on a model of HIV infection dynamics, with the aim of extracting information from efficiently run experiments, here in terms of average and variance and, on a longer term, of more structured data.
Tipologia CRIS:
02A-Contributo in volume
Stochastic biological models; simulation; multicore
Elenco autori:
Marco Aldinucci; Andrea Bracciali; Pietro Liò; Anil Sorathiya; Massimo Torquati
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Titolo del libro:
Parallel Processing Workshops, Euro-Par 2010: HeteroPar 2010, HPPC 2010, HiBB 2010, CoreGrid 2010, UCHPC 2010, HPCF 2010, PROPER 2010, CCPI 2010, VHPC 2010, Revised Selected Papers
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