Data di Pubblicazione:
Searches for charginos, neutralinos and sleptons at LEP2 centre-of-mass energies from 130 GeV to 189 GeV have been used to set lower limits on the mass of the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle and other supersymmetric particles within the MSSM framework. R-parity conservation has been assumed. The lightest neutralino was found to be heavier than GeV/c(2) independent of the m(0) value. The Lightest chargino, the second-to-lightest neutralino, the next-to-heaviest neutralino, the heaviest neutralino, the sneutrino and the right-handed selectron were found to be heavier than 62.4 GeV/c2, 62.4 GeV/c(2), 99.9 GeV/c(2), 116.0 GeV/c(2), 61.0 GeV/c(2), and 87.0 GeV/c(2), respectively. These limits do not depend on m(0) or M-2 and are Valid for 1 less than or equal to tan beta less than or equal to 40, in the mu region where the lightest neutralino is the LSP. If the sneutrino is heavier than the chargino the lightest neutralino has to be heavier than 32.4 GeV/c(2). The effects of mixings in the third family of sfermions on these limits are discussed. The confidence level of all limits given is 95%. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
P. Abreu;W. Adam;T. Adye;P. Adzic;I. Ajinenko;Z. Albrecht;T. Alderweireld;G. D. Alekseev;R. Alemany;T. Allmendinger;P. P. Allport;S. Almehed;U. Amaldi;N. Amapane;S. Amato;E. G. Anassontzis;P. Andersson;A. Andreazza;S. Andringa;P. Antilogus;W. D. Apel;Y. Arnoud;B. Asman;J. E. Augustin;A. Augustinus;P. Baillon;A. Ballestrero;P. Bambade;F. Barao;G. Barbiellini;R. Barbier;D. Y. Bardin;G. Barker;A. Baroncelli;M. Battaglia;M. Baubillier;K. H. Becks;M. Begalli;A. Behrmann;P. Beilliere;Y. Belokopytov;N. C. Benekos;A. C. Benvenuti;C. Berat;M. Berggren;L. Berntzon;D. Bertrand;M. Besancon;M. S. Bilenky;M. A. Bizouard;D. Bloch;H. M. Blom;M. Bonesini;M. Boonekamp;P. S. L.;G. Borisov;C. Bosio;O. Botner;E. Boudinov;B. Bouquet;C. Bourdarios;T. J. V.;I. Boyko;I. Bozovic;M. Bozzo;M. Bracko;P. Branchini;R. A. Brenner;P. Bruckman;J. M. Brunet;L. Bugge;T. Buran;B. Buschbeck;P. Buschmann;S. Cabrera;H. Caccia;M. Calvi;T. Camporesi;V. Canale;F. Carena;L. Carroll;C. Caso;M. V. C.;A. Cattai;F. R. Cavallo;P. Charpentier;P. Checchia;G. A. Chelkov;R. Chierici;P. Chliapnikov;P. Chochula;V. Chorowicz;J. Chudoba;K. Cieslik;P. Collins;R. Contri;E. Cortina;G. Cosme;F. Cossutti;M. Costa;H. B. Crawley;D. Crennell;G. Crosetti;J. C. Maestro;S. Czeller;J. D'Hondt;J. Dalmau;M. Davenport;W. D. Silva;G. D. Ricca;P. Delpierre;N. Demaria;A. D. Angelis;W. D. Boer;C. D. Clercq;B. D. Lotto;A. D. Min;L. D. Paula;H. Dijkstra;L. D. Ciaccio;J. Dolbeau;K. Doroba;M. Dracos;J. Drees;M. Dris;G. Eigen;T. Ekelof;M. Ellert;M. Elsing;J. P. Engel;M. E. Santo;G. Fanourakis;D. Fassouliotis;M. Feindt;J. Fernandez;A. Ferrer;E. Ferrer-Ribas;F. Ferro;A. Firestone;U. Flagmeyer;H. Foeth;E. Fokitis;F. Fontanelli;B. Franek;A. G. Frodesen;R. Fruhwirth;F. Fulda-Quenzer;J. Fuster;A. Galloni;D. Gamba;S. Gamblin;V. Gandelman;C. Garcia;C. Gaspar;M. Gaspar;U. Gasparini;P. Gavillet;E. N. Gazis;D. Gele;T. Geralis;L. Gerdyukov;N. Ghodbane;I. Gil;F. Glege;R. Gokieli;B. Golob;G. Gomez-Ceballos;P. Goncalves;I. G. Caballero;G. Gopal;L. Gorn;Y. Gouz;V. Gracco;J. Grahl;E. Graziani;P. Gris;G. Grosdidier;K. Grzelak;J. Guy;C. Haag;F. Hahn;S. Hahn;S. Haider;A. Hallgren;K. Hamacher;J. Hansen;F. J. Harris;F. Hauler;V. Hedberg;S. Heising;J. J. Hernandez;P. Herquet;H. Herr;E. Higon;S. O. Holmgren;P. J. Holt;S. Hoorelbeke;M. Houlden;J. Hrubec;M. Huber;G. J. Hughes;K. Hultqvist;J. N. Jackson;R. Jacobsson;P. Jalocha;R. Janik;C. Jarlskog;G. Jarlskog;P. Jarry;B. Jean-Marie;D. Jeans;E. K. Johansson;P. Jonsson;C. Joram;P. Juillot;L. Jungermann;F. Kapusta;K. Karafasoulis;S. Katsanevas;E. C. Katsoufis;R. Keranen;G. Kernel;B. P. Kersevan;Y. Khokhlov;B. A. Khomenko;N. N. Khovanski;A. Kiiskinen;B. King;A. Kinvig;N. J. Kjaer;O. Klapp;P. Kluit;P. Kokkinias;V. Kostioukhine;C. Kourkoumelis;O. Kouznetsov;M. Krammer;E. Kriznic;Z. Krumstein;P. Kubinec;J. Kurowska;K. Kurvinen;J. W. Lamsa;D. W. Lane;J. P. Laugier;R. Lauhakangas;G. Leder;F. Ledroit;L. Leinonen;A. Leisos;R. Leitner;G. Lenzen;V. Lepeltier;T. Lesiak;M. Lethuillier;J. Libby;W. Liebig;D. Liko;A. Lipniacka;I. Lippi;B. Loerstad;J. G. Loken;J. H. Lopes;J. M. Lopez;R. Lopez-Fernandez;D. Loukas;P. Lutz;L. Lyons;J. MacNaughton;J. R. Mahon;A. Maio;A. Malek;S. Maltezos;V. Malychev;F. Mandl;J. Marco;R. Marco;B. Marechal;M. Margoni;J. C. Marin;C. Mariotti;A. Markou;C. Martinez-Rivero;S. M. Garcia;J. Masik;N. Mastroyiannopoulos;F. Matorras;C. Matteuzzi;G. Matthiae;F. Mazzucato;M. Mazzucato;M. M. Cubbin;R. M. Kay;R. M. Nulty;G. M. Pherson;E. Merle;C. Meroni;W. T. Meyer;E. Migliore;L. Mirabito;W. A. Mitaroff;U. Mjoernmark;T. Moa;M. Moch;R. Moeller;K. Moenig;M. R. Monge;D. Moraes;P. Morettini;G. Morton;U. Mueller;K. Muenich;M. Mulders;C. Mulet-Marquis;L. M. Mundim;R. Muresan;W. J.
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