Measurement of inclusive rho(0), f(0)(980), f(2)(1270), K-2(*0)(1430) and f '(2)(1525) production in Z(0) decays
Data di Pubblicazione:
DELPHI results are presented on the inclusive production of the neutral mesons rho(0), f(0)(980), f(2)(1270), K-2(*0)(1430) and f'(2)(1525) in hadronic Z(0) decays. They are based on about 2 million multihadronic events collected in 1994 and 1995, using the particle identification capabilities of the DELPHI Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors and measured ionization losses in the Time Projection Chamber. The total production rates per hadronic Z(0) decay have been determined to be: 1.19 +/- 0.10 for rho(0); 0.164 +/- 0.021 for f(0)(980); 0.214 +/- 0.038 for f(2)(1270); 0.073 +/- 0.023 for K-2(*0)(1430); and 0.012 +/- 0.006 fur f'(2)(1525). The total production rates for all mesons and differential cross-sections for the rho(0), f(0)(980) and f(2)(1270) are compared with the results of other LEP experiments and with models, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
P. Abreu;W. Adam;T. Adye;P. Adzic;I. Ajinenko;Z. Albrecht;T. Alderweireld;G. D. Alekseev;R. Alemany;T. Allmendinger;P. P. Allport;S. Almehed;U. Amaldi;S. Amato;E. G. Anassontzis;P. Andersson;A. Andreazza;S. Andringa;P. Antilogus;W. D. Apel;Y. Arnoud;B. Asman;J. E. Augustin;A. Augustinus;P. Baillon;P. Bambade;F. Barao;G. Barbiellini;R. Barbier;D. Y. Bardin;G. Barker;A. Baroncelli;M. Battaglia;M. Baubillier;K. H. Becks;M. Begalli;P. Beilliere;Y. Belokopytov;A. C. Benvenuti;C. Berat;M. Berggren;D. Bertini;D. Bertrand;M. Besancon;F. Bianchi;M. Bigi;M. S. Bilenky;M. A. Bizouard;D. Bloch;H. M. Blom;M. Bonesini;W. Bonivento;M. Boonekamp;P. S. L.;A. W. Borgland;G. Borisov;C. Bosio;O. Botner;E. Boudinov;B. Bouquet;C. Bourdarios;T. J. V.;I. Boyko;I. Bozovic;M. Bozzo;P. Branchini;T. Brenke;R. A. Brenner;P. Bruckman;J. M. Brunet;L. Bugge;T. Buran;T. Burgsmueller;P. Buschmann;S. Cabrera;M. Caccia;M. Calvi;T. Camporesi;V. Canale;F. Carena;L. Carroll;C. Caso;M. V. C.;A. Cattai;F. R. Cavallo;V. Chabaud;P. Charpentier;L. Chaussard;P. Checchia;G. A. Chelkov;R. Chierici;P. Chliapnikov;P. Chochula;V. Chorowicz;J. Chudoba;K. Cieslik;P. Collins;R. Contri;E. Cortina;G. Cosme;F. Cossutti;J. H. Cowell;H. B. Crawley;D. Crennell;S. Crepe;G. Crosetti;J. C. Maestro;S. Czellar;G. Damgaard;M. Davenport;W. D. Silva;A. Deghorain;G. D. Ricca;P. Delpierre;N. Demaria;A. D. Angelis;W. D. Boer;S. D. Brabandere;C. D. Clercq;B. D. Lotto;A. D. Min;L. D. Paula;H. Dijkstra;L. D. Ciaccio;J. Dolbeau;K. Doroba;M. Dracos;J. Drees;M. Dris;A. Duperrin;J. D. Durand;G. Eigen;T. Ekelof;G. Ekspong;M. Ellert;M. Elsing;J. P. Engel;B. Erzen;M. E. Santo;E. Falk;G. Fanourakis;D. Fassouliotis;J. Fayot;M. Feindt;P. Ferrari;A. Ferrer;E. Ferrer-Ribas;S. Fichet;A. Firestone;U. Flagmeyer;H. Foeth;E. Fokitis;F. Fontanelli;B. Franek;A. G. Frodesen;F. Fulda-Quenzer;J. Fuster;A. Galloni;D. Gamba;S. Gamblin;M. Gandelman;C. Garcia;C. Gaspar;M. Gaspar;U. Gasparini;P. Gavillet;E. N. Gazis;D. Gele;L. Gerdyukov;N. Ghodbane;I. Gil;F. Glege;R. Gokieli;B. Golob;G. Gomez-Ceballos;P. Goncalves;I. G. Caballero;G. Gopal;L. Gorn;M. Gorski;Y. Gouz;V. Gracco;J. Grahl;E. Graziani;C. Green;H. J. Grimm;P. Gris;G. Grosdidier;K. Grzelak;M. Gunther;J. Guy;F. Hahn;S. Hahn;S. Haider;A. Hallgren;K. Hamacher;J. Hansen;F. J. Harris;V. Hedberg;S. Heising;J. J. Hernandez;P. Herquet;H. Herr;T. L. Hessing;J. M. Heuser;E. Higon;S. O. Holmgren;P. J. Holt;S. Hoorelbeke;M. Houlden;J. Hrubec;K. Huet;G. J. Hughes;K. Hultqvist;J. N. Jackson;R. Jacobsson;P. Jalocha;R. Janik;C. Jarlskog;G. Jarlskog;P. Jarry;B. Jean-Marie;E. K. Johansson;P. Jonsson;C. Joram;P. Juillot;F. Kapusta;K. Karafasoulis;S. Katsanevas;E. C. Katsoufis;R. Keranen;B. P. Kersevan;B. A. Khomenko;N. N. Khovanski;A. Kiiskinen;B. King;A. Kinvig;N. J. Kjaer;O. Klapp;H. Klein;P. Kluit;P. Kokkinias;M. Koratzinos;V. Kostioukhine;C. Kourkoumelis;O. Kouznetsov;M. Krammer;E. Kriznic;J. Krstic;Z. Krumstein;P. Kubinec;J. Kurowska;K. Kurvinen;J. W. Lamsa;D. W. Lane;P. Langefeld;V. Lapin;J. P. Laugier;R. Lauhakangas;G. Leder;F. Ledroit;V. Lefebure;L. Leinonen;A. Leisos;R. Leitner;G. Lenzen;V. Lepeltier;T. Lesiak;M. Lethuillier;J. Libby;D. Liko;A. Lipniacka;I. Lippi;B. Loerstad;J. G. Loken;J. H. Lopes;J. M. Lopez;R. Lopez-Fernandez;D. Loukas;P. Lutz;L. Lyons;J. MacNaughton;J. R. Mahon;A. Maio;A. Malek;T. G. M.;V. Malychev;F. Mandl;J. Marco;R. Marco;B. Marechal;M. Margoni;J. C. Marin;C. Mariotti;A. Markou;C. Martinez-Rivero;F. Martinez-Vidal;S. M. I.;J. Masik;N. Mastroyiannopoulos;F. Matorras;C. Matteuzzi;G. Matthiae;F. Mazzucato;M. Mazzucato;M. M. Cubbin;R. M. Kay;R. M. Nulty;G. M. Pherson;C. Meroni;W. T. Meyer;A. Miagkov;E. Migliore;L. Mirabito;W. A. Mitaroff;U. Mjoern
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