Data di Pubblicazione:
A search with the DELPHI detector at LEP for excited leptons (e*, mu*, tau* and nu*) decaying through gamma, W or Z transitions is reported. The data used correspond to an integrated luminosity of 10 pb(-1) e(+)e(-) centre-of-mass energy at an e of 161 GeV. The search for pair produced excited leptons established the limits m(e)* > 79.6 GeV/c(2), m(mu)* > 79.6 GeV/c(2), m(tau)* 79.4 GeV/c(2) and m(nu)* > 56.4 GeV/c(2) at 95% confidence level, assuming that the SU(2) and U(I) couplings of excited leptons are in the same ratio as for normal leptons and considering both left and right-handed components. Limits corresponding to other assumptions are also given. The search for single excited lepton production established upper limits on the ratio lambda/m(l)* of the coupling of the excited lepton to its mass.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
P. Abreu;W. Adam;T. Adye;I. Ajinenko;G. D. Alekseev;R. Alemany;P. P. Allport;S. Almehed;U. Amaldi;S. Amato;A. Andreazza;M. L. Andrieux;P. Antilogus;W. D. Apel;B. Asman;J. E. Augustin;A. Augustinus;P. Baillon;P. Bambade;F. Barao;R. Barate;M. Barbi;D. Y. Bardin;G. Barker;A. Baroncelli;O. Barring;J. A. Barrio;W. Bartl;M. J. Bates;M. Battaglia;M. Baubillier;J. Baudot;K. H. Becks;M. Begalli;P. Beilliere;Y. Belokopytov;K. Belous;A. C. Benvenuti;M. Berggren;D. Bertini;D. Bertrand;M. Besancon;F. Bianchi;M. Bigi;M. S. Bilenky;P. Billoir;M. A. Bizouard;D. Bloch;M. Blume;T. Bolognese;M. Bonesini;W. Bonivento;P. S. L.;G. Borisov;C. Bosio;O. Botner;E. Boudinov;B. Bouquet;C. Bourdarios;T. J. V.;M. Bozzo;P. Branchini;K. D. Brand;T. Brenke;R. A. Brenner;C. Bricman;R. C. A.;P. Bruckman;J. M. Brunet;L. Bugge;T. Buran;T. Burgsmueller;P. Buschmann;S. Cabrera;M. Caccia;M. Calvi;A. J. C.;T. Camporesi;V. Canale;M. Canepa;K. Cankocak;F. Cao;F. Carena;L. Carroll;C. Caso;M. V. C.;A. Cattai;F. R. Cavallo;V. Chabaud;M. Chapkin;P. Carpentier;L. Chaussard;P. Checchia;G. A. Chelkov;M. Chen;R. Chierici;P. Chliapnikov;P. Chochula;J. Chodoba;V. Chorowicz;V. Cindro;P. Collins;R. Contri;E. Cortina;G. Cosme;F. Cossutti;J. H. Cowell;H. B. Crawley;D. Crennell;G. Crosetti;J. C. Maestro;S. Czellar;E. DahlJensen;J. Dahm;B. Dalmagne;M. Dam;G. Damgaard;P. D. Dauncey;M. Davenport;W. DaSilva;C. Defoix;A. Deghorain;G. DellaRicca;P. Delpierre;N. Demaria;A. DeAngelis;W. DeBoer;S. DeBrabandere;C. DeClercq;C. DeLaVaissiere;B. DeLotto;A. DeMin;L. DePaula;C. DeSaintJean;H. Dijkstra;L. DiCiaccio;A. DiDiodato;F. Djama;A. Djannati;J. Dolbeau;K. Doroba;M. Dracos;J. Drees;K. A. Drees;M. Dris;J. D. Durand;D. Edsall;R. Ehret;G. Eigen;T. Ekelof;G. Ekspong;M. Elsing;J. P. Engel;B. Erzen;M. E. Santo;E. Falk;D. Fassouliotis;M. Feindt;A. Ferrer;S. Fichet;T. A. Filippas;A. Firestone;P. A. Fischer;H. Foeth;E. Fokitis;F. Fontanelli;F. Formenti;B. Franek;P. Frenkiel;D. C. Fries;A. G. Frodesen;R. Fruhwirth;F. FuldaQuenzer;J. Fuster;A. Galloni;D. Gamba;M. Gandelman;C. Garcia;J. Garcia;C. Gaspar;U. Gasparini;P. Gavillet;E. N. Gazis;D. Gele;J. P. Gerber;L. Gerdyukov;R. Gokieli;B. Golob;G. Gopal;L. Gorn;M. Gorski;Y. Gouz;V. Gracco;E. Graziani;C. Green;A. Grefrath;P. Gris;G. Grosdidier;K. Grzelak;S. Gumenyuk;P. Gunnarsson;M. Gunther;J. Guy;F. Hahn;S. Hahn;Z. Hajduk;A. Hallgren;K. Hamacher;F. J. Harris;V. Hedberg;R. Henriques;J. J. Hernandez;P. Herquet;H. Herr;T. L. Hessing;E. Higon;H. J. Hilke;T. S. Hill;S. O. Holmgren;P. J. Holt;D. Holthuizen;S. Hoorelbeke;M. Houlden;K. Huet;K. Hultqvist;J. N. Jackson;R. Jacobsson;P. Jalocha;R. Janik;C. Jarlskog;G. Jarlskog;P. Jarry;B. JeanMarie;E. K. Johansson;L. Jonsson;P. Jonsson;C. Joram;P. Juillot;M. Kaiser;F. Kapusta;K. Karafasoulis;M. Karlsson;E. Karvelas;S. Katsanevas;E. C. Katsoufis;R. Keranen;Y. Khokhlov;B. A. Khomenko;N. N. Khovanski;B. King;N. J. Kjaer;O. Klapp;H. Klein;A. Klovning;P. Kluit;P. Kokkinias;A. Konopliannikov;M. Koratzinos;K. Korcyl;V. Kostioukhine;C. Kourkoumelis;O. Kouznetsov;M. Krammer;C. Kreuter;I. Kronkvist;Z. Krumstein;W. Krupinski;P. Kubinec;W. Kucewicz;K. Kurvinen;C. Lacasta;I. Laktineh;J. W. Lamsa;L. Lanceri;D. W. Lane;P. Langefeld;V. Lapin;J. P. Laugier;R. Lauhakangas;G. Leder;F. Ledroit;V. Lefebure;C. K. Legan;R. Leitner;J. Lemonne;G. Lenzen;V. Lepeltier;T. Lesiak;J. Libby;D. Liko;R. Lindner;A. Lipniacka;I. Lippi;B. Loerstad;J. G. Loken;J. M. Lopez;D. Loukas;P. Lutz;L. Lyons;J. MacNaughton;G. Maehlum;J. R. Mahon;A. Maio;T. G. M.;V. Malychev;F. Mandl;J. Marco;R. Marco;B. Marechal;M. Margoni;J. C. Marin;C. Mariotti;A. Markou;C. MartinezRivero;F. MartinezVidal;S. M. I.;J. Masik;F. Matorras;C. Matteuzzi;G. Matthiae;M. Ma
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