Data di Pubblicazione:
In a preliminary version of the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS, in which an iron-scintillator sandwich calorimeter was used as a photon detector, the ratio of K-L --> pi mu nu gamma and K-L --> pi mu nu decays was measured. The branching ratio BR(K-L --> pi mu nu gamma,E-gamma*greater than or equal to 30 MeV)/(K-L --> pi mu nu) is found to be (2.08+/-0.17(-0.21)(+0.16)x10(-3), where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. The result is in agreement with theoretical predictions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
M. Bender;I. Augustin;M. Holder;I. Schwarze;M. Ziolkowski;V. Fanti;A. Lai;L. Musa;A. Nappi;M. G. Setzu;R. W. Moore;D. J. Munday;M. A. Parker;S. F. Takach;T. O. White;G. Barr;G. Bocquet;J. Bremer;A. Ceccucci;J. Cogan;D. Cundy;N. Doble;G. Fischer;W. Funk;L. Gatignon;A. Gianoli;A. Gonidec;P. Grafstrom;W. Kubischta;V. Marzulli;G. Kesseler;J. P. Matheys;A. Norton;S. Palestini;B. Panzer-Steindel;D. Schinzel;H. Taureg;M. Velasco;O. Vossnack;V. Kekelidze;I. Kojevnikov;I. Potrebenikov;G. Tatichvili;A. Tkatchev;L. Bertolotto;O. Boyle;B. Hay;N. E. Mc;G. Oakland;H. Parsons;K. J. Peach;C. Talamonti;A. Walker;P. Dalpiaz;J. Duclos;A. Formica;P. L. Frabetti;M. Martini;F. Petrucci;M. Porcu;F. Rossi;M. Savrie;C. Siman;A. Bizzeti;M. Calvetti;M. Lenti;A. Michetti;H. G. Becker;T. Beier;H. Blumer;P. Buchholz;D. Coward;C. Ebersberger;A. Kalter;K. Kleinknecht;U. Koch;L. Kipke;F. Leber;S. Luitz;B. Renk;J. Scheidt;J. Schmidt;V. Schonharting;R. Wilhelm;O. Zeitnitz;J. C. Chollet;S. Crepe;L. Fayard;L. Iconomidou-Fayard;J. Ocariz;G. Unal;G. Anzivino;P. Cenci;P. Lubrano;M. Pepe;P. Calafiura;R. Carosi;R. Casali;C. Cerri;F. Costantini;R. Fantechi;S. Giudici;B. Gorini;I. Mannelli;G. Pierazzini;M. Sozzi;J. B. Cheze;M. D. Beer;P. Debu;P. Hristov;E. Mazzucato;B. Peyaud;S. Schanne;O. Steinkamp;R. Turlay;B. Vallage;R. Arcidiacono;C. Biino;G. Govi;P. Mass;F. Marchetto;E. Menichetti;H. Dibon;M. Jeitler;M. Markytan;I. Mikulec;G. Neuhofer;M. Pernicka;A. Taurok
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