Charm D-meson production in 360 GeV/c pp interactions; comparison with π-p at the same energy
Data di Pubblicazione:
Charm D-meson production in 360 GeV pp interactions has been studied using the high-resolution hydrogen bubble chamber LEBC and the European Hybrid Spectrometer. D-mesons are produced with a differential cross section of the form d2σdx dpT2δ(1-x)n exp (-apT2), withn=1.8± 0.8 and a=1.1±0.03 GeV/c−2 for the Feynman x and Transverse momentum pT behaviour. The inclusive partle prticle crossssection for D and D̄;measured to be: σ(D/D̄) = (56−12 25μb (for all x). The ΛcD̄ cross section can be estimated to be ≈20μb. No strong correlation is observed between DD̄ pairs. The results are compared with results from a study of D-meaon production in 360 GeV/c π−p interactions also using LEBC-EHS.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
M. Aguilar-Benitez;W. Allison;P. Bagnaia;J. Bailly;G. Bertrand-Coremans;R. Bizzarri;M. Boratav;F. Bruyant;D. Cauz;G. Ciapetti;D. Crennell;E. D. Capua;H. Dibon;C. Dionisi;J. Dumarchez;F. Etienne;C. Fisher;Y. Fisjak;S. Gentile;J. Hernandez;P. Herquet;S. Holmgren;J. Hrubec;P. Hugies;K. Johansson;E. Kistenev;W. Kittel;N. Kurtz;P. L. de;J. Lemonne;H. Leutz;P. Loverre;L. Lyons;M. MacDermott;F. Marchetto;F. Marzano;M. Mazzucato;E. Menichetti;M. Michalon-Mentzer;A. Michalon;T. Moa;L. Montanet;G. Neuhofer;S. Nilsson;Y. Petrovich;P. Pilette;C. Pinori;G. Piredda;A. Poppleton;P. Poropat;P. Porth;M. Regler;S. Reucroft;J. Richardson;H. Rohringer;P. Rossi;J. Salicio;S. Tavernier;D. Toet;M. Touboul;A. Touchard;C. Troncon;L. Ventura;P. Vilain;P. Wright;L. Zanello;G. Zolobov;P. Zotto;G. Zumerle
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