Data di Pubblicazione:
The correlations in rapidity in hadron production from e+e− annihilation near the Z0 resonance were studied by means of the method of factorial moments, using data taken with the DELPHI detector at LEP. The parton shower hadronization model was found to be in quantitative agreement with the data, in contrast with previous results at lower energies.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
P. Abreu;W. Adam;F. Adami;T. Adye;G. Alexeev;J. Allaby;P. Allen;S. Almehed;F. Alted;S. Alvsvaag;U. Amaldi;E. Anassontzis;W. Apel;B. Asman;C. Ferreres;J. Augustin;A. Augustinus;P. Baillon;P. Bambade;F. Barao;G. Barbiellini;D. Bardin;A. Baroncelli;O. Barring;W. Bartl;M. Bates;M. Baubillier;K. Becks;C. Beeston;P. Beilliere;I. Belokopytov;P. Beltran;D. Benedic;J. Benlloch;M. Berggren;D. Bertrand;S. Biagi;F. Bianchi;J. Bibby;M. Bilenky;P. Billoir;J. Bjarne;D. Bloch;P. Bogolubov;D. Bollini;T. Bolognese;M. Bonapart;P. Booth;M. Boratav;P. Borgeaud;G. Borisov;H. Borner;C. Bosio;O. Botner;B. Bouquet;M. Bozzo;S. Braibant;P. Branchini;K. Brand;R. Brenner;C. Bricman;R. Brown;N. Brummer;J. Brunet;L. Bugge;T. Buran;H. Burmeister;C. Buttar;J. Buytaert;M. Caccia;M. Calvi;A. C. Rozas;J. Campagne;A. Campion;T. Camporesi;V. Canale;F. Cao;L. Carroll;C. Caso;E. Castelli;M. C. Gimenez;A. Cattai;F. Cavallo;L. Cerrito;P. Charpentier;P. Checchia;G. Chelkov;L. Chevalier;P. Chliapnikov;V. Chorowicz;R. Cirio;M. Clara;J. Contreras;R. Contri;G. Cosme;F. Couchot;H. Crawley;D. Crennell;M. Cresti;G. Crosetti;N. Crosland;M. Crozon;J. Maestro;S. Czellar;S. Dagoret;E. Dahl-Jensen;B. Dalmagne;M. Dam;G. Damgaard;G. Darbo;E. Daubie;M. Davenport;P. David;A. D. Angelis;M. D. Beer;H. D. Boeck;W. D. Boer;C. D. Clercq;M. D. Fez;N. D. Groot;C. D. La;B. D. Lotto;A. D. Min;C. Defoix;D. Delikaris;P. Delpierre;N. Demaria;L. D. Ciaccio;A. Diddens;H. Dijkstra;F. Djama;J. Dolbeau;K. Doroba;M. Dracos;J. Drees;M. Dris;W. Dulinski;R. Dzhelyadin;D. Edwards;L. Eek;P. Eerola;T. Ekelof;G. Ekspong;J. Engel;V. Falaleev;A. Fenyuk;M. Alonso;A. Ferrer;S. Ferroni;T. Filippas;A. Firestone;H. Foeth;E. Fokitis;F. Fontanelli;H. Forsbach;B. Franek;K. Fransson;P. Frenkiel;D. Fries;R. Fruhwirth;F. Fulda-Quenzer;H. Furstenau;J. Fuster;J. Gago;G. Galeazzi;D. Gamba;U. Gasparini;P. Gavillet;S. Gawne;E. Gazis;P. Giacomelli;K. Glitza;R. Gokieli;V. Golovatyuk;A. Goobar;G. Gopal;M. Gorski;Y. Gotra;V. Gracco;A. Grant;F. Grard;E. Graziani;M. Gros;G. Grosdidier;B. Grossetete;S. Gumenyuk;J. Guy;F. Hahn;M. Hahn;S. Haider;Z. Hajduk;A. Hakansson;A. Hallgren;K. Hamacher;G. D. Monchenault;F. Harris;B. Heck;I. Herbst;J. Hernandez;P. Herquet;H. Herr;E. Higon;H. Hilke;T. Hofmokl;R. Holmes;S. Holmgren;J. Hooper;M. Houlden;J. Hrubec;P. Hulth;K. Hultqvist;D. Husson;B. Hyams;P. Ioannou;P. Iversen;J. Jackson;P. Jalocha;G. Jarlskog;P. Jarry;B. Jean-Marie;E. Johansson;M. Jonker;L. Jonsson;P. Juillot;R. Kadyrov;G. Kalkanis;G. Kalmus;G. Kantardjian;F. Kapusta;P. Kapusta;S. Katsanevas;E. Katsoufis;R. Keranen;J. Kesteman;B. Khomenko;B. King;H. Klein;W. Klempt;A. Klovning;P. Kluit;J. Koehne;B. Koene;P. Kokkinias;M. Kopf;M. Koratzinos;K. Korcyl;B. Korzen;C. Kourkoumelis;T. Kreuzberger;J. Krolikowski;U. Kruener-Marquis;W. Krupinski;W. Kucewicz;K. Kurvinen;M. Laakso;C. Lambropoulos;J. Lamsa;L. Lanceri;V. Lapin;J. Laugier;R. Lauhakangas;P. Laurikainen;G. Leder;F. Ledroit;J. Lemonne;G. Lenzen;V. Lepeltier;A. Letessier-Selvon;E. Lieb;E. Lillestol;E. Lillethun;J. Lindgren;I. Lippi;R. Llosa;B. Loerstad;M. Lokajicek;J. Loken;M. L. Aguera;A. Lopez-Fernandez;D. Loukas;J. Lozano;R. Lucock;B. Lund-Jensen;P. Lutz;L. Lyons;G. Maehlum;J. Maillard;A. Maltezos;F. Mandl;J. Marco;J. Marin;A. Markou;L. Mathis;C. Matteuzzi;G. Matthiae;M. Mazzucato;M. Cubbin;R. Kay;E. Menichetti;C. Meroni;W. Meyer;W. Mitaroff;G. Mitselmakher;U. Mjoernmark;T. Moa;R. Moeller;K. Moenig;M. Monge;P. Morettini;H. Mueller;H. Muller;G. Myatt;F. Naraghi;U. Nau-Korzen;F. Navarria;P. Negri;B. Nielsen;M. Nigro;V. Nikolaenko;V. Obraztsov;T. Odegaard;R. Orava;A. Ostankov;A. Ouraou;R. Pain;H. Palka;T. Papadopoulou;L. Pape;P. Pasini;A. Passeri;M. Pegoraro;V.
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