Exploring alternative symmetry breaking mechanisms at the LHC with 7, 8 and 10 TeV total energy.
Data di Pubblicazione:
In view of the annnouncement that in 2012 the LHC will run at 8TeV, we study the possibility of detecting signals of alternative mechanisms of ElectroWeak Symme- try Breaking, described phenomenologically by unitarized models, at energies lower than 14 TeV. A complete calculation with six fermions in the final state is performed using the PHANTOM event generator. Our results indicate that at 8 TeV some of the scenarios with TeV scale resonances are likely to be identified while models with no resonances or with very heavy ones will be inaccessible, unless the available luminosity will be much higher than expected.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Beyond Standard Model; Standard Model
Elenco autori:
Alessandro Ballestrero; Diogo Buarque Franzosi; Ezio Maina
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