Data di Pubblicazione:
This paper provides a general semantic framework for nonmonotonic reasoning, based on a minimal models semantics on the top of KLM systems for nonmonotonic reasoning. This general framework can be instantiated in order to provide a semantic reconstruction within modal logic of the notion of rational closure, introduced by Lehmann and Magidor. We give two characterizations of rational closure: the first one in terms of minimal models where propositional interpretations associated to worlds are fixed along minimization, the second one where they are allowed to vary. In both cases a knowledge base must be expanded with a suitable set of consistency assumptions, represented by negated conditionals. The correspondence between rational closure and minimal model semantics suggests the possibility of defining variants of rational closure by changing either
the underlying modal logic or the comparison relation on models.
Tipologia CRIS:
04A-Conference paper in volume
Nonmonotonic Reasoning; Rational closure; Preferential semantics
Elenco autori:
L. Giordano; V. Gliozzi; N. Olivetti; G.L. Pozzato
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Titolo del libro:
Logics in Artificial Intelligence 13th European Conference, JELIA 2012, Toulouse, France, September 26-28, 2012. Proceedings
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