Measurement of the weak charged current structure in semileptonic b-hadron decays at the Z peak
Data di Pubblicazione:
The neutrino energy spectrum in semileptonic b-hadron decays with identified energetic electrons and muons has been measured. The observed relative energy sharing between the neutrino and the charged lepton is found to be well described with a W-+/- polarization obtained from a free b-quark decay model with a (V-A)x(V-A) decay structure. The alternative of a (V+A) x(V-A) decay structure is excluded with a significance of more than 6 standard deviations. The possibility that hadronic corrections to the b-hadron decay destroy any W-+/- polarization is disfavored by more than 3 standard deviations.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
M. Acciarri;A. Adam;O. Adriani;M. Aguilar-Benitez;S. Ahlen;J. Alcaraz;A. Aloisio;G. Alverson;M.G. Alviggi;G. Ambrosi;Q. An;H. Anderhub;A.L. Anderson;V.P. Andreev;T. Angelescu;L. Antonov;D. Antreasyan;G. Alkhazov;A. Arefiev;T. Azemoon;T. Aziz;P.V.K.S. Baba;P. Bagnaia;J.A. Bakken;L. Baksay;R.C. Ball;S. Banerjee;K. Banicz;R. Barillère;L. Barone;A. Baschirotto;M. Basile;R. Battiston;A. Bay;F. Becattini;U. Becker;F. Behner;Gy.L. Bencze;J. Berdugo;P. Berges;B. Bertucci;B.L. Betev;M. Biasini;A. Biland;G.M. Bilei;R. Bizzarri;J.J. Blaising;G.J. Bobbink;R. Bock;A. Böhm;B. Borgia;A. Boucham;D. Bourilkov;M. Bourquin;D. Boutigny;B. Bouwens;E. Brambilla;J.G. Branson;V. Brigljevic;I.C. Brock;M. Brooks;A. Bujak;J.D. Burger;W.J. Burger;C. Burgos;J. Busenitz;A. Buytenhuijs;A. Bykov;X.D. Cai;M. Capell;G. Cara Romeo;M. Caria;G. Carlino;A.M. Cartacci;J. Casaus;G. Castellini;R. Castello;N. Cavallo;M. Cerrada;F. Cesaroni;M. Chamizo;Y.H. Chang;U.K. Chaturvedi;M. Chemarin;A. Chen;C. Chen;G. Chen;G.M. Chen;H.F. Chen;H.S. Chen;M. Chen;G. Chiefari;C.Y. Chien;M.T. Choi;S. Chung;L. Cifarelli;F. Cindolo;C. Civinini;I. Clare;R. Clare;T.E. Coan;H.O. Cohn;G. Coignet;N. Colino;V. Commichau;S. Costantini;F. Cotorobai;B. de la Cruz;X.T. Cui;X.Y. Cui;T.S. Dai;R. D'Alessandro;R. de Asmundis;A. Degré;K. Deiters;E. Dénes;P. Denes;F. DeNotaristefani;D. DiBitonto;M. Diemoz;H.R. Dimitrov;C. Dionisi;M. Dittmar;I. Dorne;M.t. Dova;E. Drago;D. Duchesneau;F. Duhem;P. Duinker;I. Duran;S. Dutta;S. Easo;H. El Mamouni;A. Engler;F.J. Eppling;F.C. Erné;P. Extermann;R. Fabbretti;M. Fabre;S. Falciano;A. Favara;J. Fay;M. Felcini;T. Ferguson;D. Fernandez;G. Fernandez;F. Ferroni;H. Fesefeldt;E. Fiandrini;J.H. Field;F. Filthaut;P.H. Fisher;G. Forconi;L. Fredj;K. Freudenreich;M. Gailloud;Yu. Galaktionov;E. Gallo;S.N. Ganguli;P. garcia-Abia;S.S. Gau;S. Gentile;J. Gerald;N. Gheordanescu;S. Giagu;S. Goldfarb;J. Goldstein;Z.F. Gong;E. Gonzalez;A. Gougas;D. Goujon;G. Gratta;M.W. Gruenewald;C. Gu;M. Guanziroli;V.K. Gupta;A. Gurtu;H.R. Gustafson;L.J. Gutay;B. Hartmann;A. Hasan;D. Hauschildt;J.T. He;T. Hebbeker;M. Hebert;A. Hervé;K. Hilgers;H. Hofer;H. Hoorani;S.R. Hou;G. Hu;B. Ille;M.M. Ilyas;V. Innocente;H. Janssen;B.N. Jin;L.W. Jones;P. de Jong;I. Josa-Mutuberria;A. Kasser;R.A. Khan;Yu. Kamyhkov;P. Kapinos;J.S. Kapustinsky;Y. Karyotakis;M. Kaur;S. Khokhar;M.N. Kienzle-Focacci;D. Kim;J.K. Kim;S.C. Kim;Y.G. Kim;W.W. Kinnison;A. Kirkby;D. Kirkby;J. Kirkby;S. Kirsch;W. Kittel;A. Klimentov;A.C. König;E. Koffeman;O. Kornadt;V. Koutsenko;A. Koulbardis;R.W. Kraemer;T. Kramer;V.R. Krastev;W. Krenz;H. Kuijten;A. Kunin;P. Ladron de Guevara;G. Landi;S. Lanzano;P. Laurikainen;A. Lebedev;P. Lebrun;P. Lecomte;P. Lecoq;P. Le Coultre;D.M. Lee;J.S. Lee;K.Y. Lee;I. Leedom;C. Leggett;J.M. Le Goff;R. Leiste;M. Lenti;E. Leonardi;P. Levtchenko;C. Li;E. Lieb;W.T. Lin;F.L. Linde;B. Lindemann;L. Lista;Y. Liu;W. Lohmann;E. Longo;W. Lu;Y.S. Lu;K. Lübelsmeyer;C. Luci;D. Luckey;L. Ludovici;L. Luminari;W. Lustermann;W.G. Ma;M. MacDermott;M. Maity;L. Malgeri;R. Malik;A. Malinin;C. Maña;S. Mangla;M. Maolinbay;P. Marchesini;A. Marin;J.P. Martin;F. Marzano;G.G.G. Massaro;K. Mazumdar;T. McMahon;D. McNally;S. Mele;M. Merk;L. Merola;M. Meschini;W.J. Metzger;Y. Mi;A. Mihul;G.B. Mills;Y. Mir;G. Mirabelli;J. Mnich;M. Möller;V. Monaco;B. Monteleoni;R. Morand;S. Morganti;N.E. Moulai;R. Mount;S. Müller;E. Nagy;M. Napolitano;F. Nessi-Tedaldi;H. Newman;M.A. Niaz;A. Nippe;H. Nowak;G. Organtini;R. Ostonen;D. Pandoulas;S. Paoletti;P. Paolucci;G. Pascale;G. Passaleva;S. Patricelli;T. Paul;M. Pauluzzi;C. Paus;F. Pauss;Y.J. Pei;S. Pensotti;D. Perret-Gallix;A. Pevsner;D. Picc
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