Data di Pubblicazione:
The adhesive properties of BEVA®371 used in the lining of paintings and the reversibility and invasivenessof the operation as a function of the different application conditions has been investigated in this work.Peel and lap shear mechanical tests on specific samples were then done in order to study the adhesioneffectiveness. After the tests, cross-sections of samples were observed under optical microscope to exam-ine the adhesive distribution; moreover, the samples were examined with SEM analysis to evaluate theadhesive invasiveness. Also, a series of removal tests of lining fabrics from an original painting were donein order to establish the method allowing the highest degree of reversibility. The influence of artificialageing was evaluated on a series of samples subjected to thermal-hygrometric stress for some months.Changes in the elastic and adhesive properties were observed, but all together the study indicates thatfrom the mechanical point of view BEVA®371 is a quite stable material for lining operations made withproperly controlled application methods.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
reversibility; lining operation
Elenco autori:
L. Bianco; M. Avalle; A. Scattina; P. Croveri; C. Pagliero; O. Chiantore
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