Data di Pubblicazione:
We calculate the instanton partition function of the four-dimensional N=2⋆ SU(N) gauge theory in the presence of a generic surface operator, using equivariant localization. By analyzing the constraints that arise from S-duality, we show that the effective twisted superpotential, which governs the infrared dynamics of the two-dimensional theory on the surface operator, satisfies a modular anomaly equation. Exploiting the localization results, we solve this equation in terms of elliptic and quasi-modular forms which resum all non-perturbative corrections. We also show that our results, derived for monodromy defects in the four-dimensional theory, match the effective twisted superpotential describing the infrared properties of certain two-dimensional sigma models coupled either to pure N=2 or to N=2⋆ gauge theories.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Duality in Gauge Field Theories. Extended Supersymmetry, Supersymmetry and Duality, D-branes
Elenco autori:
Ashok, S. K.; Billo', Marco; Dell’Aquila, E.; Frau, Marialuisa; John, R. R.; Lerda, A.
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