HyVar: Scalable Hybrid Variability for Distributed Evolving Software Systems
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Data di Pubblicazione:
The HyVar project (www.hyvar-project.eu/) proposes a development framework for continuous and individualized evolution of distributed software applications running on remote devices in heterogeneous environments, focusing on the automotive domain. The framework combines variability modeling and software reuse from software product lines with formal methods and software upgrades and can be integrated in existing software development processes. HyVar’s objectives are: (O1) To develop a Domain Specific Variability Language (DSVL) and tool chain to support software variability for highly distributed applications; (O2) to develop a cloud infrastructure that exploits software variability as described in the DSVL to track the software configurations deployed on remote devices and to enable (i) the collection of data from the devices to monitor their behavior; and (ii) secure and efficient customized updates; (O3) to develop a technology for over-the-air updates of distributed applications, which enables continuous software evolution after deployment on complex remote devices that incorporate a system of systems; and (O4) to test HyVar’s approach as described in the above objectives in an industry-led demonstrator to assess in quantifiable ways its benefits. The end of the project is approaching and we are close to reaching all the objectives. In this paper, we present the integrated tool chain, which combines formal reuse through software product lines with commonly used industrial practices, and supports the development and deployment of individualized software adaptations. We also describe the main benefits for the stakeholders involved.
Tipologia CRIS:
04A-Conference paper in volume
Cloud computing; Data intensive systems; Distributed software; Internet of things; Over-the-air updates; Software engineering; Software evolution; Software maintenance; Software product lines; Variability models; Computer Science (all); Mathematics (all)
Elenco autori:
Røst, Thomas Brox*; Seidl, Christoph; Yu, Ingrid Chieh; Damiani, Ferruccio; Johnsen, Einar Broch; Chesta, Cristina
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Titolo del libro:
Communications in Computer and Information Science
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