Data di Pubblicazione:
The Neptune desert is a feature seen in the radius-period plane, whereby a notable dearth of short period, Neptune-like planets is found. Here, we report the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) discovery of a new short-period planet in the Neptune desert, orbiting the G-type dwarf TYC8003-1117-1 (TOI-132). TESS photometry shows transit-like dips at the level of ∼1400 ppm occurring every ∼2.11 d. High-precision radial velocity follow-up with High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher confirmed the planetary nature of the transit signal and provided a semi-amplitude radial velocity variation of 11.38+0.84-0.85 ms-1, which, when combined with the stellar mass of 0.97 ± 0.06 M⊙, provides a planetary mass of 22.40+1.90-1.92 M⊕. Modelling the TESS light curve returns a planet radius of 3.42+0.13-0.14 R⊕, and therefore the planet bulk density is found to be 3.08+0.44-0.46 g cm-3. Planet structure models suggest that the bulk of the planet mass is in the form of a rocky core, with an atmospheric mass fraction of 4.3+1.2-2.3 per cent. TOI-132 b is a TESS Level 1 Science Requirement candidate, and therefore priority follow-up will allow the search for additional planets in the system, whilst helping to constrain low-mass planet formation and evolution models, particularly valuable for better understanding of the Neptune desert.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Planetary systems; Planets and satellites: fundamental parameters; Techniques: photometric; Techniques: radial velocities
Elenco autori:
Diaz M.R.; Jenkins J.S.; Gandolfi D.; Lopez E.D.; Soto M.G.; Cortes-Zuleta P.; Berdinas Z.M.; Stassun K.G.; Collins K.A.; Vines J.I.; Ziegler C.; Fridlund M.; Jensen E.L.N.; Murgas F.; Santerne A.; Wilson P.A.; Esposito M.; Hatzes A.P.; Johnson M.C.; Lam K.W.F.; Livingston J.H.; Van Eylen V.; Narita N.; Briceno C.; Collins K.I.; Csizmadia S.; Fausnaugh M.; Gan T.; Garcia R.A.; Georgieva I.; Glidden A.; Gonzalez-Cuesta L.; Jenkins J.M.; Latham D.W.; Law N.M.; Mann A.W.; Mathur S.; Mireles I.; Morris R.; Palle E.; Persson C.M.; Ricker G.; Rinehart S.; Rose M.E.; Seager S.; Smith J.C.; Tan T.-G.; Tokovinin A.; Vanderburg A.; Vanderspek R.; Winn J.N.; Yahalomi D.A.
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