Data di Pubblicazione:
Binomial edge ideals are a noteworthy class of binomial ideals that can be associated with graphs, generalizing the ideals of 2-minors. For bipartite graphs we prove the converse of Hartshorne’s Connectedness Theorem, according to which if an ideal is Cohen–Macaulay, then its dual graph is connected. This allows us to classify Cohen–Macaulay binomial edge ideals of bipartite graphs, giving an explicit and recursive construction in graph-theoretical terms. This result represents a binomial analogue of the celebrated characterization of (monomial) edge ideals of bipartite graphs due to Herzog
and Hibi (2005).
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Binomial edge ideals; bipartite graphs; Cohen-Macaulay; dual graph of an ideal; Hartshorne's Connectedness Theorem
Elenco autori:
Bolognini D; Macchia A; Strazzanti F
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