Data di Pubblicazione:
The production of Σ0 baryons in the nuclear reaction p (3.5 GeV) + Nb (corresponding to sNN=3.18 GeV) is studied with the detector set-up HADES at GSI, Darmstadt. Σ0s were identified via the decay Σ0→Λγ with subsequent decays Λ→pπ− in coincidence with a e+e− pair from either external (γ→e+e−) or internal (Dalitz decay γ⁎→e+e−) gamma conversions. The differential Σ0 cross section integrated over the detector acceptance, i.e. the rapidity interval 0.5<1.1, has been extracted as ΔσΣjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@4f76a956=2.3±(0.2)stat±(−0.6+0.6)sys±(0.2)norm mb, yielding the inclusive production cross section in full phase space σΣjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@38c26a07total=5.8±(0.5)stat±(−1.4+1.4)sys±(0.6)norm±(1.7)extrapol mb by averaging over different extrapolation methods. The Λall/Σ0 ratio within the HADES acceptance is equal to 2.3±(0.2)stat±(−0.6+0.6)sys. The obtained rapidity and momentum distributions are compared to transport model calculations. The Σ0 yield agrees with the statistical model of particle production in nuclear reactions.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Hyperons; Nucleus; Proton; Strangeness
Elenco autori:
Adamczewski-Musch J.; Agakishiev G.; Arnold O.; Atomssa E.T.; Behnke C.; Berger-Chen J.C.; Biernat J.; Blanco A.; Blume C.; Bohmer M.; Bordalo P.; Chernenko S.; Deveaux C.; Dybczak A.; Epple E.; Fabbietti L.; Fateev O.; Fonte P.; Franco C.; Friese J.; Frohlich I.; Galatyuk T.; Garzon J.A.; Gernhauser R.; Gill K.; Golubeva M.; Guber F.; Gumberidze M.; Harabasz S.; Hennino T.; Hlavac S.; Hohne C.; Holzmann R.; Ierusalimov A.; Ivashkin A.; Jurkovic M.; Kampfer B.; Karavicheva T.; Kardan B.; Koenig I.; Koenig W.; Kolb B.W.; Korcyl G.; Kornakov G.; Kotte R.; Krasa A.; Krebs E.; Kuc H.; Kugler A.; Kunz T.; Kurepin A.; Kurilkin A.; Kurilkin P.; Ladygin V.; Lalik R.; Lapidus K.; Lebedev A.; Lopes L.; Lorenz M.; Mahmoud T.; Maier L.; Maurus S.; Mangiarotti A.; Markert J.; Metag V.; Michel J.; Muntz C.; Munzer R.; Naumann L.; Palka M.; Parpottas Y.; Pechenov V.; Pechenova O.; Petousis V.; Pietraszko J.; Przygoda W.; Ramos S.; Ramstein B.; Rehnisch L.; Reshetin A.; Rost A.; Rustamov A.; Sadovsky A.; Salabura P.; Scheib T.; Schmidt-Sommerfeld K.; Schuldes H.; Sellheim P.; Siebenson J.; Silva L.; Sobolev Y.G.; Spataro S.; Strobele H.; Stroth J.; Strzempek P.; Sturm C.; Svoboda O.; Tarantola A.; Teilab K.; Tlusty P.; Traxler M.; Tsertos H.; Vasiliev T.; Wagner V.; Wendisch C.; Wirth J.; Wustenfeld J.; Zanevsky Y.; Zumbruch P.
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