Pre-alpine tectono-stratigraphic reconstruction of the jurassic tethys in the high-pressure internal piedmont zone (Stura di Viù Valley, Western Alps)
Data di Pubblicazione:
We present a detailed description of the tectono-stratigraphic architecture of the eclogite-facies Internal Piedmont Zone (IPZ) metaophiolite, exposed in the Lanzo Valleys (Western Alps), which represents the remnant of the Jurassic Alpine Tethys. Seafloor spreading and mantle exhumation processes related to the Alpine Tethys evolution strongly conditioned the intra-oceanic depositional setting, which resulted in an articulated physiography and a heterogeneous stratigraphic succession above the exhumed serpentinized mantle. “Complete” and “reduced” successions were recognized, reflecting deposition in morphological or structural lows and highs, respectively. The “complete” succession consists of quartzite, followed by marble and calcschist. The “reduced” succession differs for the unconformable contact of the calcschist directly above mantle rocks, lacking quartzite and gray marble. The serpentinite at the base of this succession is intruded by metagabbro and characterized at its top by ophicalcite horizons. Mafic metabreccia grading to metasandstone mark the transition between the “complete” and “reduced” successions. The character of the recon-structed succession and basin floor physiography of the IPZ metaophiolite is well comparable with the Middle Jurassic–Late Cretaceous succession of both the Queyras Complex (External Piedmont Zone) and the Internal Ligurian Units (Northern Apennines) and with modern slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Alpine Tethys; Metaophiolite; Piedmont Zone; Tectono-stratigraphy; Western Alps
Elenco autori:
De Togni M.; Gattiglio M.; Ghignone S.; Festa A.
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