Data di Pubblicazione:
While in the standard cosmological model the accelerated expansion of the Universe is explained by invoking the presence of the cosmological constant term, it is still unclear the true origin of this stunning observational fact. It is therefore interesting to explore alternatives to the simplest scenario, in particular by assuming a more general framework where the fluid responsible for the accelerated expansion is characterized by a time-dependent equation of state. Usually these models, dubbed dark energy models, are purely phenomenological, but in this work we concentrate on a theoretically justified model, the ghost dark energy model. Within the framework of the spherical collapse model, we evaluate effects of dark energy perturbations both at the linear and non-linear level and transfer these results into an observable quantity, the mass function, by speculatively taking into account contributions of dark energy to the mass of the haloes. We showed that the growth rate is higher in ghost models and that perturbations enhance the number of structures with respect to the Δ cold dark matter model, with stronger effects when the total mass takes into account dark energy clumps.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Cosmology: theory; Dark energy; Large-scale structure of Universe
Elenco autori:
Malekjani M.; Naderi T.; Pace F.
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