Co-infections by fusarium circinatum and phytophthora spp. On pinus radiata: Complex phenotypic and molecular interactions
Data di Pubblicazione:
This study investigated the complex phenotypic and genetic response of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) seedlings to co-infections by F. circinatum, the causal agent of pine pitch canker dis-ease, and the oomycetes Phytophthora xcambivora and P. parvispora. Monterey pine seedlings were wound-inoculated with each single pathogen and with the combinations F. circinatum/P. xcambivora and F. circinatum/P. parvispora. Initially, seedlings inoculated only with F. circinatum showed less severe symptoms than seedlings co-inoculated or inoculated only with P. xcambivora or P. parvispora. However, 30 days post-inoculation (dpi), all inoculated seedlings, including those inoculated only with F. circinatum, showed severe symptoms with no significant differences among treatments. The transcriptomic profiles of three genes encoding pathogenesis-related proteins, i.e., chitinase (PR3), thaumatin-like protein (PR5), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), and the pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC)-encoding gene were analyzed at various time intervals after inoculation. In seedlings inoculated with single pathogens, F. circinatum stimulated the up-regulation of all genes, while between the two oomycetes, only P. xcambivora induced significant up-regulations. In seedlings co-inocu-lated with F. circinatum and P. xcambivora or P. parvispora none of the genes showed a significant over-expression 4 dpi. In contrast, at 11 dpi, significant up-regulation was observed for PR5 in the combination F. circinatum/P. xcambivora and PDC in the combination F. circinatum/P. parvispora, thus suggesting a possible synergism of multiple infections in triggering this plant defense mechanism.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Gene expression; Housekeeping genes; Monterey pine; P. parvispora; PAL; Phytophthora xcambivora; Pitch canker disease; Plant-defense molecular mech-anisms; Plant-oomycetes-fungal interactions; PR3; PR5
Elenco autori:
Aloi F.; Zamora-Ballesteros C.; Martin-Garcia J.; Diez J.J.; Cacciola S.O.
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