An Innovative Approach to Virtual Reality and Game-Based Learning for Primary Schools
Capitolo di libro
Data di Pubblicazione:
Studies showing the positive effects of introducing Virtual Reality into learning contexts are still at an explorative phase, especially those dealing with primary school students. Involving a sample of 125 pupils from three primary schools, this study aims to provide empirical evidence about the development of collaborative skills through the introduction of an immersive learning approach based on the creation of escape rooms in Virtual Reality. A six-month experimental pathway based on the use of VR headsets and on the design of immersive games was introduced, adopting a social constructivist approach. To assess the results of this experimentation, the participants’ social skills were analyzed using a pretest/ post-test design through tests administered to students and to their teachers.
Results show a significant increase in collaborative skills, pointing to the opportunity of involving 4th and 5th graders in activities based on immersive learning and on preparing teachers to integrate this approach at school through preservice training and continuous professional development delivered in higher education.
The findings of this research are relevant and affirm the value of adopting this approach for teacher training within higher education contexts. These results suggest a promising avenue for further exploration and research in this direction
Tipologia CRIS:
02A-Contributo in volume
Virtual Reality, immersive teaching and learning , game-based learning
Elenco autori:
Giorgio Borla, Barbara Bruschi, Fabiola Camandona, Lorenzo Denicolai, Antonio Falco, Manuela Repetto, Melania Talarico
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Titolo del libro:
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online - 5th International Conference, HELMeTO 2023, Foggia, Italy, September 13–15, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
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