1/2 BPS Wilson loops in non-conformal N = 2 gauge theories and localization: a three-loop analysis
Data di Pubblicazione:
We study the 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loop in four-dimensional SU(N)
N = 2 SYM theories with massless hypermultiplets and non-vanishing β-function. Using supersymmetric localization on S4 , we map the path-integral associated with this observable onto an interacting matrix model. Despite the breaking of conformal symmetry at the quantum level, we show that, within a specific regime, the matrix model predictions remain consistent with the perturbative results in flat space up to order g^6. At this order, our analysis reveals that the reorganization of Feynman diagrams based on the matrix model interaction potential, widely tested in (super)conformal models, also applies to these non-conformal set-ups and is realized by interference mechanisms.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
Marco Billo'; Luca Griguolo; Alessandro Testa
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