Smart Local Administrations "NLAB4CIT - "Network of Laboratories for Civic Technologies Co-Production: Digital Services for the Public Administrations of the future"
Progetto Technology can be used to facilitate citizen's access to and interactions with public administrations. The objective of this preparatory action is to support the development and roll-out of digitally enabled innovative solutions for citizen engagement in policy making and decision making, as well as co-creation and co-delivery of public services at the local level. The digital technologies to be employed should be based on solutions available on the market, using innovative technological trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) including Machine Learning, and Virtual Reality (VR). The action should draw on ongoing work in the field, such as the Innovative Public Services Action funded by the ISA2 programme, experience and knowledge gained from and tools developed by Horizon 2020 projects in the area of digital government / open government / co-creation as well the Synchronicity Large Scale IoT/AI pilot for smart cities, the Overview and Analysis of the Use and Impact of AI in Public Services (under the AI Watch study / JRC), the European Artificial Intelligence On-Demand Platform and Ecosystem (DG CONNECT / AI4EU) as well as other relevant activities to be supported under DEP such as those in the context of smart and sustainable cities and communities as well as other relevant initiatives on public sector innovation.