The project will develop three summer schools (SS) mainly targeng young graduate academics of different disciplines, coming from RIS countries. The three SS will cover three different Focus areas: Targeted Nutrion, Circular Business Models and Digitalizaon of Food Chains. The model is designed to develop 'life skills' and 'underpinning capabilies' based on entrepreneurship, and to enhance the knowledge of defined 'areas of learning', related to mulple concepts of the different EIT Food key issues (needs of food consumers, resource-efficient food system, sustainability, smart technologies). Through our approach we want to make each student co-builder of her / his own knowledge and aware of the different phases that lead to it, through a path of planning for skills; to enhance funconal and progressive training courses, with the purpose of promong schools and universies as acve communies, open to the territory, where the 'knowledge of the school' meets the 'knowledge of the society'. The acvity is aimed to build a crical mass of new talents in the RIS regions, filling the gap in scienfic, entrepreneurial and managerial skills, making students able to undertake complex muldisciplinary tasks