The current world brings new generations to face complex and dynamic global challenges. Challenges that, due to their unprecedented characteristics, lead to potentially dramatic scenarios for the survival of human beings and the planet. Among the biggest challenges - socio-economic and ecological - the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the one that particularly opens the most problematic spaces related to its management by human beings. In this regard, in fact, AI rapidly transforms our world, presenting vast opportunities and hard challenges.
As AI becomes increasingly integrated into children's lives, it is crucial to cultivate skills connected with moral judgment, critical thinking, and responsible use of these technologies. AI poses ethical dilemmas related to privacy, data protection, misinformation, and beyond. Teachers must be equipped to guide children in navigating these complexities.
The T4S project aims to foster moral development in children and so previously in primary school teachers, through tecno-aesthetic experiences that promote ethical sensitivity and reflection and informed engagement with AI. This project seeks to train in particular three new moral critical-creative skills central to a responsible and conscious management of AI, which are currently not yet present in social-emotional skills classifications:
1. Aspiring skills;
2. Contemplating skills;
3. Making sense of us skills.