The RIS Summer Schools program will provide 3 very different, complementary experienal contexts focused on entrepreneurship, (co-)creaon of
entrepreneurial and innovave ideas. The themes are focused on EIT Focus Areas, and do not overlap, either for ming nor context. The common character is the
emphasis on praccal approaches and on the highly muldisciplinary competencies, which will aract a wide community of learners, from different disciplines,
leading to a unique selling point for the acvity. The learning process will enhance the mulple dimensions of the different issues covered (needs of food
consumers, resource-efficient food system, sustainability, smart technologies). Our approach aims to provide the parcipants with the state of the art, and
experiences from entrepreneurs, to make each student co-builder of her / his own knowledge and aware of the different phases that lead to it. The path is
composed by a funconal and progressive series of modules, where students will acquire skills through a hands-on approach to problem solving, working in
teams, and keeping track of the progress of soluon development. Stakeholders will be acvely involved since the beginning, linking the Idea Generaon Phase to
the naonal/regional S3 key issues on the Food Industry, while Industry partners will offer mentorship and guidance to the students throughout the process. The
training will focus on creang entrepreneurial mindsets, developing team working capabilies among students with very different backgrounds, in a process of
learning by doing that connects local needs with a large internaonal network, through a highly muldisciplinary and technical context.
The SS in Targeted Nutrion, comprised by a warm-up online course and a follow-up onsite experience, will make young academics able to familiarize with the
expectaons, trust issues and needs of hypersensive consumers who require targeted nutrion soluons and services.
The SS in Circular Business Models aims to connect students with insights into current academic/ industry trends on sustainable circular and bio-based food
systems by enhancing the biodiversity of local systems combining tradion with innovaon aiming at feeding humanity in the most sustainable way.
The SS in digital food chains, the parcipants will be exposed to a series of modules presenng the state of the art, and teams will be created that will brainstorm
on novel applicaons, understanding gaps and opportunites, and be faced with the interface between technology and food systems. The program will then bring
the brightest and most entrepreneurial minds together to innovate and create new values in food chains through the implementaon of digital technologies.