Pan-European Educational Platform on Multidrug Resistant Tumours and Personalised Cancer Treatment
Progetto Generating a prototype of educational online platform, integrated with on-site training sessions, on scientific and technological advances in biology and management of multidrug resistant (MDR) tumours. The prototype serves as basis to create a durable educational tool, mantained and continuously updated in the following years.,Organizing: i) an online course of 12 modules; ii) 3 online events dedicated to specific topics not covered in point i); iii) 3 practical-theoretical on-site training schools on the latest innovations on MDR models, drug design and delivery. The initiatives of points i)-ii) are freely accessible to young researchers and investigators (YRIs), including both CA17104 and external scientists, with no limit to the number of participants. The initiative of point iii) is freely accessible to young researchers and investigators (YRIs) as well, but the number of participants admitted in presence is based on the availability of technical equipment. Hybrid mode of teaching in training schools will be considered to allow the highest participation of YRIs. Extensively advertising the events via social media (Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube) and website. Realizing differentiated promotional videos to attract YRIs and different types of stakeholders (private companies, drug
regulatory agencies, shared decision maker associations, potential investors, patients' advocacies). Obtaining European micro-credentials recognition for YRIs attending the online common module during the firts year. Applying to Erasmus BIP+ (involving the Grant Holder Institutions and other 3 Institutions of the IG17104) from the following years.