SCHIFANELLA R. - Ctr n. 869764 - UE H2020-IA - "Go Green Routes: Novel Approaches to Understanding how to Reduce the impact of Emissions"
Progetto Innovative nature-based solutions for carbon neutral cities calls for implementation of novel evidence-based approaches to the complex challenge of air pollution using NBS. We propose a universal health solution to combat air pollution in six cities. Our concepts include a range of green infrastructure nature based solutions at different scalar levels to mitigate a range of localised pollutants, specific green spaces to protect those engaged in active travel to be buffered from harmful air and noise, the promotion of active travel using clean and 'green' route solutions, assessment of environmental quality (e.g. environmental quality index), engaged citizen science actions and a unique focus on all inhabitants of the city from drivers (who are particularly at risk of exposure to pollutants), to pedestrians, those working adjacent to areas of high air pollution, and those inhabitants residing proximal to these zones. In addition, a focus on those vulnerable to health issues including school-children and the elderly will involve links with local health care providers and long term monitoring of both negative and positive multidimensional health outcomes, what is termed 360 health. We combine expertise from current H2020 projects with the broad expertise in air pollution, NBS, and urban health to address the call with demonstrated abilities in air quality monitoring and modelling, health promotion and active travel, outcome assessment and health impact assessment, conservation and environmental assessment and have partners from across the commercial, NGO, research and municipal authority sectors.