Data di Pubblicazione:
The production of b jets in association with a Z/gamma* boson is studied using proton-proton collisions delivered by the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and recorded by the CMS detector. The inclusive cross section for Z/gamma* + b-jet production is measured in a sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.2 inverse femtobarns. The Z/gamma* + b-jet cross section with Z/gamma* to ll (where ll = ee or mu mu) for events with the invariant mass 60 < M(ll) < 120 GeV, at least one b jet at the hadron level with pT > 25 GeV and abs(eta) < 2.1, and a separation between the leptons and the jets of Delta R > 0.5 is found to be 5.84 +/- 0.08 (stat.) +/- 0.72 (syst.) +(0.25)/-(0.44) (theory) pb. The kinematic properties of the events are also studied and found to be in agreement with the predictions made by the MadGraph event generator with the parton shower and the hadronisation performed by PYTHIA.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
S. Chatrchyan;V. Khachatryan;A. M. Sirunyan;A. Tumasyan;W. Adam;T. Bergauer;M. Dragicevic;J. Erö;C. Fabjan;M. Friedl;R. Frühwirth;V. M. Ghete;J. Hammer;M. Hoch;N. Hörmann;J. Hrubec;M. Jeitler;W. Kiesenhofer;M. Krammer;D. Liko;I. Mikulec;M. Pernicka;B. Rahbaran;C. Rohringer;H. Rohringer;R. Schöfbeck;J. Strauss;A. Taurok;F. Teischinger;P. Wagner;W. Waltenberger;G. Walzel;E. Widl;C.-E. Wulz;V. Mossolov;N. Shumeiko;J. Suarez Gonzalez;S. Bansal;L. Benucci;T. Cornelis;E. A. Wolf;X. Janssen;S. Luyckx;T. Maes;L. Mucibello;S. Ochesanu;B. Roland;R. Rougny;M. Selvaggi;H. Haevermaet;P. Mechelen;N. Remortel;A. Spilbeeck;F. Blekman;S. Blyweert;J. D’Hondt;R. Gonzalez Suarez;A. Kalogeropoulos;M. Maes;A. Olbrechts;W. Doninck;P. Mulders;G. P. Onsem;I. Villella;O. Charaf;B. Clerbaux;G. Lentdecker;V. Dero;A. P. R. Gay;G. H. Hammad;T. Hreus;A. Léonard;P. E. Marage;L. Thomas;C. Vander Velde;P. Vanlaer;J. Wickens;V. Adler;K. Beernaert;A. Cimmino;S. Costantini;G. Garcia;M. Grunewald;B. Klein;J. Lellouch;A. Marinov;J. Mccartin;A. A. Ocampo Rios;D. Ryckbosch;N. Strobbe;F. Thyssen;M. Tytgat;L. Vanelderen;P. Verwilligen;S. Walsh;E. Yazgan;N. Zaganidis;S. Basegmez;G. Bruno;L. Ceard;J. De Favereau De Jeneret;C. Delaere;T. Pree;D. Favart;L. Forthomme;A. Giammanco;G. Grégoire;J. Hollar;V. Lemaitre;J. Liao;O. Militaru;C. Nuttens;D. Pagano;A. Pin;K. Piotrzkowski;N. Schul;N. Beliy;T. Caebergs;E. Daubie;G. A. Alves;D. Jesus Damiao;T. Martins;M. E. Pol;M. H. G. Souza;W. L. Aldá Júnior;W. Carvalho;A. Custódio;E. M. Costa;C. Oliveira Martins;S. Fonseca De Souza;D. Matos Figueiredo;L. Mundim;H. Nogima;V. Oguri;W. L. Prado Da Silva;A. Santoro;S. M. Silva Do Amaral;L. Soares Jorge;A. Sznajder;T. S. Anjos;C. A. Bernardes;F. A. Dias;T. R. Fernandez Perez Tomei;E. M. Gregores;C. Lagana;F. Marinho;P. G. Mercadante;S. F. Novaes;Sandra S. Padula;V. Genchev;P. Iaydjiev;S. Piperov;M. Rodozov;S. Stoykova;G. Sultanov;V. Tcholakov;R. Trayanov;M. Vutova;A. Dimitrov;R. Hadjiiska;A. Karadzhinova;V. Kozhuharov;L. Litov;B. Pavlov;P. Petkov;J. G. Bian;G. M. Chen;H. S. Chen;C. H. Jiang;D. Liang;S. Liang;X. Meng;J. Tao;J. Wang;J. Wang;X. Wang;Z. Wang;H. Xiao;M. Xu;J. Zang;Z. Zhang;C. Asawatangtrakuldee;Y. Ban;S. Guo;Y. Guo;W. Li;S. Liu;Y. Mao;S. J. Qian;H. Teng;S. Wang;B. Zhu;W. Zou;A. Cabrera;B. Gomez Moreno;A. F. Osorio Oliveros;J. C. Sanabria;N. Godinovic;D. Lelas;R. Plestina;D. Polic;I. Puljak;Z. Antunovic;M. Dzelalija;M. Kovac;V. Brigljevic;S. Duric;K. Kadija;J. Luetic;S. Morovic;A. Attikis;M. Galanti;J. Mousa;C. Nicolaou;F. Ptochos;P. A. Razis;M. Finger;M. Finger;Y. Assran;A. Ellithi Kamel;S. Khalil;M. A. Mahmoud;A. Radi;A. Hektor;M. Kadastik;M. Müntel;M. Raidal;L. Rebane;A. Tiko;V. Azzolini;P. Eerola;G. Fedi;M. Voutilainen;S. Czellar;J. Härkönen;A. Heikkinen;V. Karimäki;R. Kinnunen;M. J. Kortelainen;T. Lampén;K. Lassila-Perini;S. Lehti;T. Lindén;P. Luukka;T. Mäenpää;T. Peltola;E. Tuominen;J. Tuominiemi;E. Tuovinen;D. Ungaro;L. Wendland;K. Banzuzi;A. Korpela;T. Tuuva;D. Sillou;M. Besancon;S. Choudhury;M. Dejardin;D. Denegri;B. Fabbro;J. L. Faure;F. Ferri;S. Ganjour;A. Givernaud;P. Gras;G. Hamel de Monchenault;P. Jarry;E. Locci;J. Malcles;M. Marionneau;L. Millischer;J. Rander;A. Rosowsky;I. Shreyber;M. Titov;S. Baffioni;F. Beaudette;L. Benhabib;L. Bianchini;M. Bluj;C. Broutin;P. Busson;C. Charlot;N. Daci;T. Dahms;L. Dobrzynski;S. Elgammal;R. Granier de Cassagnac;M. Haguenauer;P. Miné;C. Mironov;C. Ochando;P. Paganini;D. Sabes;R. Salerno;Y. Sirois;C. Thiebaux;C. Veelken;A. Zabi;J.-L. Agram;J. Andrea;D. Bloch;D. Bodin;J.-M. Brom;M. Cardaci;E. C. Chabert;C. Collard;E. Conte;F. Drouhin;C. Ferro;J.-C. Fontaine;D. Gelé;U. Goerlach;
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