Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV in events with a single lepton, large jet multiplicity, and multiple b jets
Data di Pubblicazione:
Results are reported from a search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, based on events with a single isolated lepton (electron or muon) and multiple jets, at least two of which are identified as b jets. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.3 fb(-1) recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2012. The search is motivated by supersymmetric models that involve strong-production processes and cascade decays of new particles. The resulting final states contain multiple jets as well as missing transverse momentum from weakly interacting particles. The event yields, observed across several kinematic regions, are consistent with the expectations from standard model processes. The results are interpreted in the context of simplified supersymmetric scenarios with pair production of gluinos, where each gluino decays to a top quark-antiquark pair and the lightest neutralino. For the case of decays via virtual top squarks, gluinos with a mass smaller than 1.26 TeV are excluded for low neutralino masses.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
Chatrchyan S; Khachatryan V; Sirunyan AM; Tumasyan A; Adam W; Bergauer T; Dragicevic M; Ero J; Fabjan C; Friedl M; Fruehwirth R; Ghete VM; Hormann N; Hrubec J; Jeitler M; Kiesenhofer W; Knunz V; Krammer M; Kratschmer I; Liko D; Mikulec I; Rabady D; Rahbaran B; Rohringer H; Schofbeck R; Strauss J; Taurok A; Treberer-Treberspurg W; Waltenberger W; Wulz CE; Mossolov V; Shumeiko N; Gonzalez JS; Alderweireldt S; Bansal M; Bansal S; Cornelis T; De Wolf EA; Janssen X; Knutsson A; Luyckx S; Mucibello L; Ochesanu S; Roland B; Rougny R; Staykova Z; Van Haevermaet H; Van Mechelen P; Van Remortel N; Van Spilbeeck A; Blekman F; Blyweert S; D'Hondt J; Heracleous N; Kalogeropoulos A; Keaveney J; Lowette S; Maes M; Olbrechts A; Strom D; Tavernier S; Van Doninck W; Van Mulders P; Van Onsem GP; Villella I; Caillol C; Clerbaux B; De Lentdecker G; Favart L; Gay APR; Hreus T; Leonard A; Marage PE; Mohammadi A; Pernie L; Reis T; Seva T; Thomas L; Velde CV; Vanlaer P; Wang J; Adler V; Beernaert K; Benucci L; Cimmino A; Costantini S; Dildick S; Garcia G; Klein B; Lellouch J; Marinov A; Mccartin J; Rios AAO; Ryckbosch D; Sigamani M; Strobbe N; Thyssen F; Tytgat M; Walsh S; Yazgan E; Zaganidis N; Basegmez S; Beluffi C; Bruno G; Castello R; Caudron A; Ceard L; Da Silveira GG; Delaere C; du Pree T; Favart D; Forthomme L; Giammanco A; Hollar J; Jez P; Lemaitre V; Liao J; Militaru O; Nuttens C; Pagano D; Pin A; Piotrzkowski K; Popov A; Selvaggi M; Marono MV; Garcia JMV; Beliy N; Caebergs T; Daubie E; Hammad GH; Alves GA; Martins MC; Martins T; Pol ME; Souza MHG; Alda WL; Carvalho W; Chinellato J; Custodio A; Da Costa EM; Damiao DD; Martins CD; De Souza SF; Malbouisson H; Malek M; Figueiredo DM; Mundim L; Nogima H; Da Silva WLP; Santaolalla J; Santoro A; Sznajder A; Manganote EJT; Pereira AV; Bernardes CA; Dias FA; Tomei TRFP; Gregores EM; Lagana C; Mercadante PG; Novaes SF; Padula SS; Genchev V; Iaydjiev P; Piperov S; Rodozov M; Sultanov G; Vutova M; Dimitrov A; Glushkov I; Hadjiiska R; Kozhuharov V; Litov L; Pavlov B; Petkov P; Bian JG; Chen GM; Chen HS; Chen M; Jiang CH; Liang D; Liang S; Meng X; Plestina R; Tao J; Wang X; Wang Z; Asawatangtrakuldee C; Ban Y; Guo Y; Li Q; Li W; Liu S; Mao Y; Qian SJ; Wang D; Zhang L; Zou W; Avila C; Montoya CAC; Sierra LFC; Florez C; Gomez JP; Moreno BG; Sanabria JC; Godinovic N; Lelas D; Polic D; Puljak I; Antunovic Z; Kovac M; Brigljevic V; Kadija K; Luetic J; Mekterovic D; Morovic S; Tikvica L; Attikis A; Mavromanolakis G; Mousa J; Nicolaou C; Ptochos F; Razis PA; Finger M; Finger M; Abdelalim AA; Assran Y; Elgammal S; Kamel AE; Mahmoud MA; Radi A; Kadastik M; Muntel M; Murumaa M; Raidal M; Rebane L; Tiko A; Eerola P; Fedi G; Voutilainen M; Harkonen J; Karimaki V; Kinnunen R; Kortelainen MJ; Lampen T; Lassila-Perini K; Lehti S; Linden T; Luukka P; Maenpaa T; Peltola T; Tuominen E; Tuominiemi J; Tuovinen E; Wendland L; Tuuva T; Besancon M; Couderc F; Dejardin M; Denegri D; Fabbro B; Faure JL; Ferri F; Ganjour S; Givernaud A; Gras P; de Monchenault GH; Jarry P; Locci E; Malcles J; Nayak A; Rander J; Rosowsky A; Titov M; Baffioni S; Beaudette F; Benhabib L; Bluj M; Busson P; Charlot C; Daci N; Dahms T; Dalchenko M; Dobrzynski L; Florent A; de Cassagnac RG; Haguenauer M; Mine P; Mironov C; Naranjo IN; Nguyen M; Ochando C; Paganini P; Sabes D; Salerno R; Sirois Y; Veelken C; Zabi A; Agram JL; Andrea J; Bloch D; Brom JM; Chabert EC; Collard C; Conte E; Drouhin F; Fontaine JC; Gele D; Goerlach U; Goetzmann C; Juillot P; Le Bihan AC; Van Hove P; Gadrat S; Beauceron S; Beaupere N; Boudoul G; Brochet S; Chasserat J; Chierici R; Contardo D; Depasse P; El Mamouni H; Fan J; Fay J; Gascon S; Gouzevitch M; Ille
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