Data di Pubblicazione:
In the nineties of the last century, Italian anthropologist Francesco Remotti created a useful and
active popular frame, that sums up an image of making humanity: anthropopoiesis. In brief, this
theory states that every society pictures a human in his image and likeness, whether consciously
or not, whether the poietical process is explicit or implicit.
Starting in France from jurist Pierre Legendre, the dogmatic anthropology (i.e. focused on the
fiduciary power of images) will lead to the legal aesthetics theory of the fictional foundation of law.
The law, and the society moulded on it, is based on a foundation people give credence to. However,
as it is impossible to prove the truth of it, there comes the fiction - the founding place is dogmatic,
mythical and always “elsewhere”.
Nomopoiesis aims to be a bridge-frame for these two theories, a linkage that is as yet untested. I
intend to demonstrate that the foundation is the same one and push together the theoretical
contributions of the two disciplines.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Power, fiction, foundation, image, institution
Elenco autori:
Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo
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