Data di Pubblicazione:
A $3$-polytope is a $3$-connected, planar graph. It is called unigraphic if
it does not share its vertex degree sequence with any other $3$-polytope, up to
graph isomorphism. The classification of unigraphic $3$-polytopes appears to be
a difficult problem.
In this paper we prove that, apart from pyramids, all unigraphic
$3$-polytopes have no $n$-gonal faces for $n\geq 10$. Our method involves
defining several planar graph transformations on a given $3$-polytope
containing an $n$-gonal face with $n\geq 10$. The delicate part is to prove
that, for every such $3$-polytope, at least one of these transformations both
preserves $3$-connectivity, and is not an isomorphism.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Mathematics - Combinatorics; Mathematics - Combinatorics; 05C10, 05C40, 05C75, 05C76, 05C07, 05C62, 05C85, 52B05, 52B10
Elenco autori:
Riccardo W. Maffucci
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