The consor
um will develop a summer school on Food Products Entrepreneurship and Process Innova
on “An entrepreneurial perspec
ve on Climate Friendly
Healthy Convenient Food Solu
ons”. Its ambi
on is to train groups of students, young researchers and professionals from different backgrounds, in crea
thinking, innova
on in Climate Friendly Healthy Convenient Food Solu
ons and entrepreneurship, with the final objec
ve of transla
ng innova
ve research
ons faster into real business cases.
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Education 1.7 Studio programmes
The summer school will focus on tools and concepts for star
ng a new business in the sustainable food area, or crea
ng new products within an exis
ng company.
The program u
lizes the flipped classroom concept, where online learning is combined with in-class teaching. It combines a web pla
orm with unique content,
which has been tested and op
mized by the University of Hohenheim and the University of Torino, in conjunc
on with researchers who work at the highest level
in food and sustainability research and related industrial partners. This pla
orm will further be enriched with the Aarhus University exper
se on Convenient food
and climate friendly diets. The in-class ac
es will involve food industries and will be set in a compe
ve environment to engage talented students. The program
will be taught in 2020 at an exci
ng Food Ecosystem at Agro Food Park, a unique cluster for innova
ve companies and start-ups in the Food sector, at Aarhus
University, DK.