V-PLACE - enabling consumer choice in vegan or vegetarian food products - EITFOOD- cod. 20262
Progetto The demand for vegan and vegetarian food products including alternaves to meat, milk, or eggs, has expanded considerably during recent years in Europe. For
many consumers wanng to replace products of animal origin partly or completely, the search for the right informaon including the avoidance of nutrional
deficits is a challenge. Integrated into FoodUnfolded, the V-PLACE web portal will bring this informaon together empowering consumer choices in an easily
accessible and consumer centric plaorm. Consumers can select their preferred diet (omnivore, flexitarian, pescatarian, vegetarian, or vegan) and will receive
tailored informaon in an easy and understandable way. An engaging and informave app with games and quizzes will complement the V-PLACE and present
health and environmental benefits. In the market for food products, significant growth is predicted via mass-market substuons rather than expansion of niche
products. There is an idenfied need to research and actualize the knowledge about consumer expectaons, atudes, and needs to adopt current strategies
accordingly. V-Place will look at the interplay of product properes, expectaons, and communicaon on vegan and vegetarian food products in consumer studies
including ingredients and health properes (perceived and expected). Results and data will connuously feed into the V-PLACE web portal on EIT FoodUnfolded -
thereby making it a living knowledge hub also aer the project has ended.