A massive on line open course will be designed and deliver in year 2020 focusing on the human microbiome and its impact on human health. One of the main
focus will be the food-health axis through the media
on of the gut microbiome, and how the la
er can affect other microbiomes hosted in the human body. The
um is composed by experts in different disciplines such as food scien
sts, food microbiologists, nutri
onists and medical doctors and such
transdisciplinarity will assure that the content of the MOOC will represent a unique opportunity for the ci
zen/consumer to understand be
er the ecology and
on inside us.
Videos, discussions and interac
ve materials will be developed in a way they will be promptly acquired by the learners ensuring their engagement right from the
beginning of the MOOC.
er a first module on the introduc
on of the human microbiome, a series of tasks will follow focusing on different subjects, such as (non inclusive list):
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Education 1.9 Engage programmes
on of gut microbiome by diet, the brain-gut axis, gut microbiome and non communicable diseases, and influence of the gut microbiome on the other
human microbiomes (such as skin microbiome).