CRUPI Vincenzo - MIUR - PRIN 2017 Linea A - LOGIC AND COGNITION: Theory, Experiments, and Applications
Progetto The research project is proposed by a PRIN group of Italian teams which originated from a bigger PRIN group already formed in the 1990s, under the leadership of Lorenzo Magnani of the PAVIA Unit, in the
framework of rich international collaborations. The four local units are to be considered essential to the project, because of the ambitious interdisciplinary breath aiming at increasing knowledge on some
fundamental relationships between logic and cognition.
The project involves 4 units, representative of Italian research in Logic and Philosophy of Science, and forms a consistent research group, contemplating a cross participation also of members coming from
other Universities who agreed to collaborate with the 4 official units. The program is also linked to the activities of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS) (the local
member prof. Giuntini of the unit of CAGLIARI is its president).
The title proposed this year aims at further extending - especially by strengthening the interdisciplinary aspects - some basic open questions of the relationships between logic, reasoning and cognition, with
three goals that are shared by all the local teams and studied following different but integrated perspectives: a) the first features of a groundwork research project on reasoning and cognition; b) the advanced
study of limited and uncertain cognition; c) the analysis of prescriptive rationality in presence of limited resources.
The project's units will concentrate on the specific but related subjects described as follows:
-CAGLIARI: Logical structures of cognition inspired by the theory of quantum computation: the role of uncertainty and non-compositionality
-MILAN: Logical and methodological foundations of prescriptive rationality
-TURIN: A groundwork logico/cognitive model of reasoning research
-PAVIA: The logic of limited cognition: errors, fallacies and ignorance in the perspective of an ecology of cognition