Many vegetables including sweet corn ar
chokes potato and cabbage (e g Brussels sprouts) are not holis
cally used in food produc
on although they are safe to Many vegetables including sweet corn, ar
chokes, potato and cabbage (e.g. Brussels sprouts) are not holis
cally used in food produc
on although they are safe to
consume (without or with further processing). In some cases, more than 50% of the nutri
onal valuable material is le
in the fields or not further valorized. This is
due to several reasons including harves
ng procedures having been designed for conven
onal products, consumer unawareness, and a lack of holis
c product
concepts. The idea of “From Leaf to Root” is that students will tackle these challenges by developing prototypes based on plant parts that are to date not or only
very infrequently u
lized, thereby promo
ng both a more sustainable use of resources and healthier nutri
on. The mul
disciplinary teams will work
vely with mentors from academia and industry on feasible food solu
ons (+ business case) while gaining a be
er understanding of the primary
on sector.