Data di Pubblicazione:
The photoproduction of D*(+/-) mesons has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA at three different ep centre-of-mass energies, √s of 318, 251 and 225 GeV. For each data set, D*(+/-) mesons were required to have transverse momentum, pT(D*) , and pseudo-rapidity, eta(D*), in the ranges 1.9 < pT(D*) < 20 GeV and |eta(D*)| < 1.6. The events were required to have a virtuality of the incoming photon, Q2, of less than 1 GeV2. The dependence on √s was studied by normalising to the high-statistics measurement at √s = 318 GeV. This led to the cancellation of a number of systematic effects both in data and theory. Predictions from next-to-leading-order QCD describe the √s dependence of the data well.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
H. Abramowicz;I. Abt;L. Adamczyk;M. Adamus;R. Aggarwal;S. Antonelli;O. Arslan;V. Aushev;Y. Aushev;O. Bachynska;A. N. Barakbaev;N. Bartosik;O. Behnke;J. Behr;U. Behrens;A. Bertolin;S. Bhadra;I. Bloch;V. Bokhonov;E. G. Boos;K. Borras;I. Brock;R. Brugnera;A. Bruni;B. Brzozowska;P. J. Bussey;A. Caldwell;M. Capua;C. D. Catterall;J. Chwastowski;J. Ciborowski;R. Ciesielski;A. M. Cooper-Sarkar;M. Corradi;F. Corriveau;G. D’Agostini;R. K. Dementiev;R. C. E. Devenish;G. Dolinska;V. Drugakov;S. Dusini;J. Ferrando;J. Figiel;B. Foster;G. Gach;A. Garfagnini;A. Geiser;A. Gizhko;L. K. Gladilin;O. Gogota;Yu. A. Golubkov;J. Grebenyuk;I. Gregor;G. Grzelak;O. Gueta;M. Guzik;W. Hain;G. Hartner;D. Hochman;R. Hori;Z. A. Ibrahim;Y. Iga;M. Ishitsuka;A. Iudin;F. Januschek;I. Kadenko;S. Kananov;T. Kanno;U. Karshon;M. Kaur;P. Kaur;L. A. Khein;D. Kisielewska;R. Klanner;U. Klein;N. Kondrashova;O. Kononenko;Ie. Korol;I. A. Korzhavina;A. Kotanski;U. Kötz;N. Kovalchuk;H. Kowalski;O. Kuprash;M. Kuze;B. B. Levchenko;A. Levy;V. Libov;S. Limentani;M. Lisovyi;E. Lobodzinska;W. Lohmann;B. Löhr;E. Lohrmann;A. Longhin;D. Lontkovskyi;O. Yu. Lukina;J. Maeda;I. Makarenko;J. Malka;J. F. Martin;S. Mergelmeyer;F. Mohamad Idris;K. Mujkic;V. Myronenko;K. Nagano;A. Nigro;T. Nobe;D. Notz;R. J. Nowak;K. Olkiewicz;Yu. Onishchuk;E. Paul;W. Perlanski;H. Perrey;N. S. Pokrovskiy;A. S. Proskuryakov;M. Przybycien;A. Raval;P. Roloff;I. Rubinsky;M. Ruspa;V. Samojlov;D. H. Saxon;M. Schioppa;W. B. Schmidke;U. Schneekloth;T. Schörner-Sadenius;J. Schwartz;L. M. Shcheglova;R. Shevchenko;O. Shkola;I. Singh;I. O. Skillicorn;W. Slominski;V. Sola;A. Solano;A. Spiridonov;L. Stanco;N. Stefaniuk;A. Stern;T. P. Stewart;P. Stopa;J. Sztuk-Dambietz;D. Szuba;J. Szuba;E. Tassi;T. Temiraliev;K. Tokushuku;J. Tomaszewska;A. Trofymov;V. Trusov;T. Tsurugai;M. Turcato;O. Turkot;T. Tymieniecka;A. Verbytskyi;O. Viazlo;R. Walczak;W. A. T. Wan Abdullah;K. Wichmann;M. Wing;G. Wolf;S. Yamada;Y. Yamazaki;N. Zakharchuk;A. F. Żarnecki;L. Zawiejski;O. Zenaiev;B. O. Zhautykov;N. Zhmak;D. S. Zotkin
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