Data di Pubblicazione:
We calculate ratios of higher-order susceptibilities quantifying fluctuations in the number of net-protons and in the net-electric charge using the Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) model. We take into account the effect of resonance decays, the kinematic acceptance cuts in rapidity, pseudo-rapidity and transverse momentum used in the experimental analysis, as well as a randomization of the isospin of nucleons in the hadronic phase. By comparing these results to the latest experimental data from the STAR Collaboration, we determine the freeze-out conditions from net-electric charge and net-proton distributions and discuss their consistency.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
freeze out; fluctuations
Elenco autori:
Paolo Alba;Wanda Alberico;Rene Bellwied;Marcus Bluhm;Valentina Mantovani Sarti;Marlene Nahrgang;Claudia Ratti
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