Data di Pubblicazione:
The paper introduces the semiotic definitions of the concepts of textual enunciation, resonance, and reputation, applies them to the analysis of the evolution of the cultural role plaid by Edmondo De Amicis’s novel Heart in both the past and the present-day Italian semiosphere, then compares such evolution with that of other cultural products (such as commercial brands), and underlines the influence of communication
media in configuring these semiotic dynamics. The paper ends with some hypotheses on the impact of digitalization and ICTs on the semiotic processes of reputation, and suggests the need to develop a new epidemiology of meaning.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Semiotica, socio-semiotica, reputazione, impronta digitale, social networks, semiosfera, Edmondo De Amicis, libro "Cuore"
Elenco autori:
Leone, Massimo
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