Data di Pubblicazione:
The reaction $ pp\to pp\bf \omega$ was investigated with the TOF spectrometer, which is an external experiment at the accelerator COSY (Forschungszentrum J\"ulich, Germany). Total as well as differential cross sections were determined at an excess energy of $93 MeV$ ($p_{beam}=2950 MeV/c$). Using the total cross section of $(9.0\pm 0.7 \pm1.1) \mu b$ for the reaction $ pp\to pp\omega$ determined here and existing data for the reaction $pp\to pp\bf \phi$, the ratio $\mathcal{R}_{\phi/\omega}=\sigma_\phi/\sigma_\omega$ turns out to be significantly larger than expected by the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule. The uncertainty of this ratio is considerably smaller than in previous determinations. The differential distributions show that the $\omega$ production is still dominated by S-wave production at this excess energy, however higher partial waves clearly contribute. A comparison of the measured angular distributions for $\omega$ production to published distributions for $\phi$ production at $83 MeV$ shows that the data are consistent with an identical production mechanism for both vector mesons.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
proton-proton collisions; vector mesons; hadronic physics; strong interaction; cross sections
Elenco autori:
M. Abdel-Bary; S. Abdel-Samad; K.-Th. Brinkmann; H. Clement; J. Dietrich; E. Doroshkevich; S. Dshemuchadse; K. Ehrhardt; A. Erhardt; W. Eyrich; A. Filippi; H. Freiesleben; M. Fritsch; A. Gillitzer; D. Hesselbarth; R. Jäkel; L. Karsch; K. Kilian; E. Kuhlmann; S. Marcello; P. Michel; K. Möller; H.P. Morsch; C. Pizzolotto; Ch. Plettner; J. Ritman; E. Roderburg; P. Schönmeier; W. Schroeder; M. Schulte-Wissermann; M. Steinke; G.J. Sun; W. Ullrich; R. Wenzel; P. Wintz; M. Wagner; A. Wilms; S. Wirth; P. Zupranski
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