Data di Pubblicazione:
The high-precision HERA data allows searches up to TeV scales for beyond the Standard Model contributions to electron-quark scattering. Combined measurements of the inclusive deep inelastic cross sections in neutral and charged current ep scattering corresponding to a luminosity of around 1 fb-1 have been used in this analysis. A new approach to the beyond the Standard Model analysis of the inclusive ep data is presented; simultaneous fits of parton distribution functions together with contributions of "new physics" processes were performed. Results are presented considering a finite radius of quarks within the quark form-factor model. The resulting 95% C.L. upper limit on the effective quark radius is 0.43·10^-16 cm.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
HERA, ZEUS, Deep inelastic scattering
Elenco autori:
Abramowicz H.; Abt I.; Adamczyk L.; Adamus M.; Antonelli S.; Aushev V.; Behnke O.; Behrens U.; Bertolin A.; Bhadra S.; Bloch I.; Boos E.G.; Brock I.; Brook N.H.; Brugnera R.; Bruni A.; Bussey P.J.; Caldwell A.; Capua M.; Catterall C.D.; Chwastowski J.; Ciborowski J.; Ciesielski R.; Cooper-Sarkar A.M.; Corradi M.; Dementiev R.K.; Devenish R.C.E.; Dusini S.; Foster B.; Gach G.; Gallo E.; Garfagnini A.; Geiser A.; Gizhko A.; Gladilin L.K.; Golubkov Y.; Grzelak G.; Guzik M.; Gwenlan C.; Hain W.; Hlushchenko O.; Hochman D.; Hori R.; Ibrahim Z.A.; Iga Y.; Ishitsuka M.; Januschek F.; Jomhari N.Z.; Kadenko I.; Kananov S.; Karshon U.; Kaur P.; Kisielewska D.; Klanner R.; Klein U.; Korzhavina I.A.; Kotanski A.; Kotz U.; Kovalchuk N.; Kowalski H.; Krupa B.; Kuprash O.; Kuze M.; Levchenko B.B.; Levy A.; Limentani S.; Lisovyi M.; Lobodzinska E.; Lohr B.; Lohrmann E.; Longhin A.; Lontkovskyi D.; Lukina O.; Makarenko I.; Malka J.; Mastroberardino A.; Mohamad Idris F.; Mohammad Nasir N.; Myronenko V.; Nagano K.; Nobe T.; Nowak R.J.; Onishchuk Y.; Paul E.; Perlanski W.; Pokrovskiy N.S.; Polini A.; Przybycien M.; Roloff P.; Ruspa M.; Saxon D.H.; Schioppa M.; Schneekloth U.; Schorner-Sadenius T.; Shcheglova L.M.; Shevchenko R.; Shkola O.; Shyrma Y.; Singh I.; Skillicorn I.O.; Slominski W.; Solano A.; Stanco L.; Stefaniuk N.; Stern A.; Stopa P.; Sukhonos D.; Sztuk-Dambietz J.; Tassi E.; Tokushuku K.; Tomaszewska J.; Tsurugai T.; Turcato M.; Turkot O.; Tymieniecka T.; Verbytskyi A.; Wan Abdullah W.A.T.; Wichmann K.; Wing M.; Yamada S.; Yamazaki Y.; Zakharchuk N.; Zarnecki A.F.; Zawiejski L.; Zenaiev O.; Zhautykov B.O.; Zotkin D.S.
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