The Less Expensive Choice: Bacterial Strategies to Achieve Successful and Sustainable Reciprocal Interactions
Data di Pubblicazione:
Bacteria, the first organisms that appeared on Earth, continue to play a central role
in ensuring life on the planet, both as biogeochemical agents and as higher organisms’
symbionts. In the last decades, they have been employed both as bioremediation agents
for cleaning polluted sites and as bioconversion effectors for obtaining a variety of
products from wastes (including eco-friendly plastics and green energies). However,
some recent reports suggest that bacterial biodiversity can be negatively affected
by the present environmental crisis (global warming, soil desertification, and ocean
acidification). This review analyzes the behaviors positively selected by evolution that
render bacteria good models of sustainable practices (urgent in these times of climate
change and scarcity of resources). Actually, bacteria display a tendency to optimize
rather than maximize, to economize energy and building blocks (by using the same
molecule for performing multiple functions), and to recycle and share metabolites, and
these are winning strategies when dealing with sustainability. Furthermore, their ability to
establish successful reciprocal relationships by means of anticipation, collective actions,
and cooperation can also constitute an example highlighting how evolutionary selection
favors behaviors that can be strategic to contain the present environmental crisis.
Tipologia CRIS:
03B-Review in Rivista / Rassegna della Lett. in Riv. / Nota Critica
Biofilm Microbici, Intelligenza Batterica, Cooperazione, Condivisione, Riciclo, Quorum Sensing,
Elenco autori:
Pessione, Enrica
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