Prodigi ematici nell'Italia degli anni Trenta del Novecento: crocifissi sanguinanti, stigmate e apparizioni fra Asti e Voltago
Data di Pubblicazione:
During the 1930s, the town of Asti (Piedmont) was the scene of a blood prodigy
(the bleeding of a crucifix) brought to the fore by the local and national press. The
event, soon censured by the Church, was intertwined with the mystical and stig-
matic experiences of a visionary from Asti and some girls from Veneto, brought
to Asti by the rector of the town’s most popular Marian shrine. Although delegiti-
mised by the ecclesiastical authority, these phenomena were widely propagated
in an eschatological key by those who, among the exponents of the clergy and
intransigent Catholic culture, saw their potential in the anti-modern mobilisation.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
stigmate; prodigi ematici; miracoli; apparizioni; Italia; Novecento; censura
Elenco autori:
Paolo Cozzo
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