The EUPEX consortium aims to design, build, and validate the first EU platform for HPC, covering end-to-end the spectrum
of required technologies with European assets: from the architecture, processor, system software, development tools to the
applications. The EUPEX prototype will be designed to be open, scalable and flexible, including the modular OpenSequanacompliant platform and the corresponding HPC software ecosystem for the Modular Supercomputing Architecture.
Scientifically, EUPEX is a vehicle to prepare HPC, AI, and Big Data processing communities for upcoming European
Exascale systems and technologies. The hardware platform is sized to be large enough for relevant application preparation
and scalability forecast, and a proof of concept for a modular architecture relying on European technologies in general and
on European Processor Technology (EPI) in particular. In this context, a strong emphasis is put on the system software
stack and the applications.
Being the first of its kind, EUPEX sets the ambitious challenge of gathering, distilling and integrating European technologies
that the scientific and industrial partners use to build a production-grade prototype. EUPEX will lay the foundations for
Europe's future digital sovereignty. It has the potential for the creation of a sustainable European scientific and industrial
HPC ecosystem and should stimulate science and technology more than any national strategy (for numerical simulation,
machine learning and AI, Big Data processing).
The EUPEX consortium – constituted of key actors on the European HPC scene – has the capacity and the will to provide a
fundamental contribution to the consolidation of European supercomputing ecosystem. EUPEX aims to directly support an
emerging and vibrant European entrepreneurial ecosystem in AI and Big Data processing that will leverage HPC as a main
enabling technology.