Hydride-based hydrogen Storage Value chain - finanziato dall’Unione europea –NextGenerationEU” Missione 4 - Componente 2” - Investimento 1.3 PE00000021 NEST
Progetto Hydrogen is conventionally stored in high pressure gas cylinders and, as a liquid phase, in suitable tanks. These methods present several economic and security problems. So, hydrogen storage in solid carriers is a promising method for future applications. Materials to be used as solid-state hydrogen carriers require high gravimetric and volumetric capacity, coupled with a fast kinetics of gas uptake and release. In addition, the reversible hydrogenation reaction should take place close to ambient pressures and temperatures. These properties can be reached when appropriate thermodynamic properties are combined with a suitable microstructure. In addition, the use of hydride-polymer composites can be considered to improve the management of the hydrogen carrier. In order to set up hydrogen tanks based on hydrides, the development of a suitable system is necessary. The main goal of the project is to reach a full value chain for the introduction of hydride-based hydrogen storage systems into the market.