The Jean Monnet Module proposal “Climate Aware EU Economic Regulation” (ClimECOR) aims at shifting the focus of EU
competition, State aids and procurement law from only achieving mere economic results to contributing to the fight against climate
change in line with the provision of Article 9 of the TFEU. This redirection is urgently required by the need to enlist all available tools
to face the climate crisis and answers the calls for action coming from the younger generation worried about its future. By both
focusing on contents and developing innovative teaching methodologies, the Module will involve citizens and, above all, students,
including PhD students, both national and international, starting from those enrolled with the University of Turin graduate degree
courses, drawing closer together academia and representatives of concerned institutions.
Main activities shall include a course on “EU economic regulation and climate change” and specific insights in other courses as well as
workshops, a PhD day and seminars. The purpose of such activities is to promote and foster cultural sensitivity of students and
targeted public and motivate them in being aware of their crucial role in the fight for climate change.