Although approaches combining archaeology and archaeometry in the investigation of past records are presently well established, recent technological advances, especially the new IT tools, push for a general update of the consolidated procedures. Researchers and professionals need to develop expertise and skills under new perspectives, to enable a new trans-disciplinary storytelling from the archaeological site to the museum display.
BE-ARCHAEO launches a trans-disciplinary approach in the investigation of past social experience registered at
archaeological sites, where the involvement of IT experts within an on-the-field interplay between archaeologists and an exhaustive set of interlinked archaeometry experts will enable R&I and will expose the involved individuals to a truly interdisciplinary and trans-sectoral environment, thus improving their career perspectives significantly.
The participants, belonging to various domains of archaeology, archaeometry, museology and IT, will commit
skills and instruments to the project for performing cutting-edge scientific investigations and for developing the most capturing interactive museum experiences. The Japanese partners will give the opportunity of developing the BE-ARCHAEO approach in a new area of archaeological excavation and will give access to their archaeological
collections for investigations and analysis. Bidirectional knowledge transfer among the participants - set up on the tailored Japanese case–study - will lead to the development of cultural heritage professionals with a trans-disciplinary vision of the archaeological records; new procedures for integrated archaeology and archaeometry; new IT tools for storing/retrieving interdisciplinary data and for communicating to the general public the new knowledge stemming by combining archaeology and science.
Intersectoral interactions and connections with the stakeholders will keep the research tightly linked to the needs of the final users.