- Demonstrate at real farm-scale in agricultural sector of intensive livestock production, pig and dairy,
reductions over 70% in greenhouse (GHG) gases and 60% in NH3
emissions derived from manure
management systems using comprehensive cost-effective strategies in Mediterranean conditions (two
study cases).
- Establish a demonstrative circular approach from farm buildings to crops nutrient recycling reducing
GHG emissions with innovative technologies: frequent slurry removal systems from the animals’
buildings, low technology anaerobic mono-digestion process, manure storage covers, green energy
generation for self-consumption, energy efficient digester covering systems and transport of digestate
by pipeline to fields for fertigation.
- Evaluate GHG emission abatement at field scale in animals’ buildings, storage and fields using the
following fertilisation techniques: acidification, direct incorporation, use of nitrification inhibitors and
- Demonstrate the synergies and cross-media effect of GHG and NH3
abatement strategies in intensive
livestock production.
- Develop an absorption refrigeration system that let produce cold exploiting heat surplus available
from biomethane upgrading process.
- Assess from an environmental and economic point of view cropping strategies that maximize nutrient
recycling by replacing synthetic N-fertilisers for organic fertilisers.
- Perform a comprehensive evaluation (LCA) at farm-scale addressing the net effect of the techniques
deployed running individually and in sequence.
- Support agricultural sector capacity for the uptake of sustainable strategies with tools and clear
information that instil interest and confidence on the technologies and evidence their potential.
- Provide useful experience and know-how to technicians and innovation agents building bridges in
order to succeed in the transference of the technologies to other regions with similar characteristics.
- Develop a robust emission monitoring method at full-scale that will contribute to the development of
result-based approaches in policy making and government strategies.
- Contribute to a strategy to trace emission information incorporating data into the inventories that
make the difference for producers performing differentiated environmental techniques.
- Involve all society agents in the definition of sustainable production models and climate change
challenges through the Local Platforms and communication activities.